UP Police Recruitment 2019: Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board last month started the application form filling process for the post of Jail Warder, Fireman and Constable posts. The UPPRPB started the procedure of filling the application form on 22nd January. The application form filling process was scheduled to end on 9th February 2019 but now the last date has been extended. Here are the details regarding the UP Police Recruitment last date to fill the application form.
UP Police Recruitment 2019 – Last Date Extended to Fill Application Form
The Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board (UPPRPB) released the official notice on 7th February 2019 regarding the extension of the last date. As per the notice released by the UPPRPB, now the last date to fill the application form for the post of Constable, Firman and Jail Warder post is 16th February 2019.
Earlier the last date to apply for the posts in UP Police was 9th February 2019 but now candidates can fill the application form till 16th February. The candidates can fill the application form till 11:55 pm on 16th February 2019.
UP Police Recruitment 2019 – Other Details
The candidates who want to fill the application form for the post of Jail Warder, Constable (Horse Rider) and Fireman posts will have to pay Rs 400 as application fee. For the male candidates Jail Warder posts the age bracket is 18 to 22 years and for the Female candiidates Jail Warder posts, the age bracket is 18 to 25 years.
For the rest of the posts, the minimum age limit is 18 years and the maximum age limit is 25 years. Details regarding the age relaxation can be checked in the official notification. For the post of Constable Horse Rider in UP Police, there are total 102 vacancies (51 for General, 21 for SC, 2 for ST and 28 for OBC). For the post of Fireman, there are total 2065 vacancies (1034 for General, 433 for SC, 41 for ST and 557 for OBC). For the post of Jail Warder, there are 3638 vacancies (1821 for General, 763 for SC, 72 for ST and 982 for OBC).
The candidates selected for the post of Constable, Fireman and Jail Warder will get a pay-scale of Rs 21700 to Rs 69100. The candidates who want to apply for the post must have completed the intermediate level of examination from the recognized Board of India.
UP Police Recruitment 2019 Last Date Extended Notice