The UPSC CISF 2018 Exam has released out an official notification announcing the eligibility criteria for all the interested candidates who will be appearing for the CISF 2018 Exam. The interested candidates who are willing to appear for the UPSC CISF 2018 Exam which is all set to be held in the first quarter of 2018 should necessarily note all the necessary details and eligibility criteria to avoid any kind of confusion just before the final date of the UPSC CISF Exam 2018. This competitive exam is held by the Union Public Service Commission in order to recruit candidates willing to work as Assistant Commandants (Executive) in the Central Industrial Security Forces (CISF).
UPSC CISF AC LDCE 2018 Exam | Check Eligibility Criteria Here
The Union Public Service Commission which conducts the CISF AC (exe) LDCE 2018 is also known as the Limited Departmental Competitive Examination 2018 contains different stages which are to be cleared necessarily by the interested candidates namely the written exam, the physical and medical standard test or the personality and interview test.
All the candidates who are interested in applying for the UPSC CISF AC LDCE 2018 Exam must ensure that they fulfill the eligibility criteria ruling the UPSC CISF 2018 Exam. It is necessary for all the interested candidates to complete 4 years of regular service either at the rank of a sub-inspector (GD) or an inspector (GD). This time period should include the basic training period as well. Also, the interested candidates should have a clean service record till the letter of appointment is issued.
UPSC CISF 2018 Exam | Know Age Limit Criteria Here
It is necessary for the interested candidates who are appearing for the UPSC CISF 2018 Exam to note the age limit in respect to which only the candidates can apply. The candidates appearing for the UPSC CISF 2018 Exam must have achieved 35 years as on 1st August’ 2018 which means that the interested candidate must have not been born before 2nd August 1983.
Whereas, as per the reservations which are made for the candidates belonging to the Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes, a relaxation of 5 years in the upper age limit has been provided. All the eligible candidates are provided with 3 attempts to sit for the UPSC CISF 2018 Exam.
Source: UPSC