UPSC Civil Services (IAS) Mains Exam 2017 is nearing the corner to be held towards the end of this month i.e. October 2017. The time table and schedule of UPSC Civil Services (IAS) Mains Exam 2017 has been uploaded on the official website of the Commission at upsc.gov.in online wherein candidates can check the exam schedule, date, time and exam subjects in it. The aspirants of UPSC Civil Services (IAS) Mains Exam 2017 who cracked the prelims level have only 3 weeks to go to appear for the Mains exam.
Here we present before you a few tips and tricks before you go to score better in the upcoming UPSC Civil Services (IAS) Mains Exam 2017 this year.
Previous Years’ Question Papers of UPSC IAS Mains Exam
Nothing can make you prepare well for the upcoming UPSC Civil Services (IAS) Mains Exam 2017 than the previous years; question papers. The exam pattern and types of questions asked make you get familiar to what the actual UPSC IAS mains 2017 exam shall be like. Going through these question papers of all sets of the UPSC Civil Services (IAS) Mains Exam make you go forth to take the examination with full vigour and confidence with a positive attitude, aiding in improving your score manifold by avoiding those panic attacks in the end.
Devise Study Plan For UPSC Civil Services Mains Exam For 3 Weeks
Last minute preparations along with revision of the previously studied data for the UPSC Civil Services (IAS) Mains Exam could be real hassle if a study plan for weeks divided into number of days divided into number of hours allotted to each topic is not made well in advance. This preparation strategy for the UPSC IAS mains 2017 exam not only suggests thorough revision in the end but also saves a lot of time wasted in chaos encountered when all the subjects and all the topics pile up in the end.
Practice Mock Tests of UPSC Civil Services (IAS) Mains Online
Online readily available mock tests for the UPSC IAS mains 2017 exam shall have to be practised on a regular basis to encounter questions based on each theory of the topic read in detail. There is no use of reading and mugging up the entire data when it is not put up to enough practice sessions done either in an online mode or in offline mode. Candidates appearing for the UPSC IAS mains 2017 exam this month in October 2017 shall visit online educational websites & practice atleast two tests a day till last 3 weeks for their upcoming UPSC Civil Services (IAS) Mains Exam 2017.
Short Notes Preparation of IAS Mains 2017 Syllabus
The long data prepared via the detailed notes while preparing for the UPSC Civil Services (IAS) Mains Exam 2017, it becomes a tedious task to carry out revision by going through each detail & intricacies of the topic. Once studied thoroughly while preparing for the UPSC Civil Services (IAS) Mains Exam, a handout of short notes shall be prepared while revising noting down important points & formulae along with self devised abbreviations for the UPSC Civil Services (IAS) Mains Exam syllabus 2017.
Repeated Revision Is The Key To Succeed in UPSC IAS Mains 2017 Exam
No matter how hard one studied for the UPSC Civil Services (IAS) Mains Exam 2017, revision once is just not sufficient to give your best for the UPSC Civil Services (IAS) Mains Exam 2017. Repeated revision of the short notes prepared is the key to success for the UPSC Civil Services (IAS) Mains Exam 2017. For those who pay close attention to detail with precision shall definitely score better with data being induced in revisions not once or twice but repeated number of times before actually taking the UPSC Civil Services (IAS) Mains Exam 2017.
Wishing all the candidates who cracked the prelims exam of UPSC Civil Services (IAS) Exam for the upcoming Mains exam in October 2017.