Alert From UPSC – From 2018, No More General Ability Paper in UPSC CMS Exam | Check Details

An official notification is released by UPSC on its official website regarding the key changes in the CMS paper (Combined Medical Services Exam) and the syllabus. The key changes will be effective from next year. According to the latest notification of UPSC for Combined Medical Services Exam, there will be no General Ability Paper in the Computer-based exam. All the details about the revised syllabus and paper pattern are available in the official Notification of UPSC CMS 2018.

UPSC Combined Medical Services Exam – Paper Pattern

Now the paper will occur in two parts. The First Part will be a computer-based exam. The Computer-based exam will comprise of two papers. Each paper will carry maximum of 250 marks. The duration of each paper will be 2 hours. The second part will be a Personality Test and it will carry 100 marks. The candidates who will qualify the first computer-based test will appear in the personality test. There will be a negative marking for wrong answers.

UPSC CMS 2018 – Computer-Based Paper

Part 1 – As already mentioned above, UPSC CMS 2018 the computer-based exam will consist of 2 parts. Part 1 of the computer-based exam will be of General Medicine and Paediatrics. There will be a total 120 questions out of which 96 will be from General Medicine and 24 questions from Paediatrics.

Part 2 – Part 2 of the computer-based exam will be also of 250 marks. The Part 2 exam will consist of 3 parts – Surgery, Gynaecology & Obstetrics and Preventive & Social Medicine. There will be total 120 questions and each part will carry equal 40 questions.

UPSC Combined Medical Services Exam – Syllabus

Syllabus of Part 1 – The syllabus for Part 1 is as follows – Paper of general medicine include Cardiology, Respiratory Diseases, Gastro‐intestinal, Genito‐Urinary, Neurology, Hematology, Endocrinology, Metabolic disorders, Infections/Communicable Diseases, Nutrition/Growth, Diseases of the skin, Musculoskelatal System, Psychiatry, General, Emergency Medicine, Common Poisoning, Snakebite, Tropical Medicine, Critical Care Medicine, Emphasis on medical procedures, Pathophysiological basis of diseases, Vaccines preventable diseases and Non vaccines preventable diseases and Vitamin  deficiency diseases. Paediatrics paper includes – Common childhood emergencies, Basic newborn care, Normal developmental milestones, Accidents and poisonings in children, Birth defects and counseling including autism, Immunization in children, Recognizing children with special needs and management, and National programmes related to child health.

Syllabus of Part 2 – Exam Syllabus for Part 2 of UPSC CMS 2018 include questions related to Obstetrics(Ante‐natal, Intra‐natal, Post‐nata conditions and Management of normal labours or complicated labour). Gynaecology includes questions related to applied anatomy, applied physiology of menstruation and fertilization, infections in genital tract, neoplasma in the genital tract, displacement of the uterus, Normal delivery and safe delivery, High-risk pregnancy and management, Abortions,  Intra Uterine growth retardation and Medicolegal examination in obgy and Gynae including Rape. Family Planning includes question-related to Conventional contraceptives, U.D. and oral pills, Operative procedure, sterilization and Medical Termination of Pregnancy. Preventive Social and Community Medicine include questions related to Social and Community Medicine, Health, Disease and Preventive Medicine, Health Administration and Planning, General Epidemiology, Demography and Health Statistics, Communicable Diseases. Environmental, Nutrition, Occupational, genetics, International Health, National Programmes and Maternal and Child Health.

Official Notification of UPSC regarding Changes in Combined Medical Services Exam



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