UPSC ESE / IES 2018 Branch Wise Vacancy Details | 588 Posts Declared Online

The UPSC ESE/IES 2018 Exam notification has released an online pdf dealing with the branch wise vacancy details available for the candidates appearing for UPSC ESE 2018 Examination. The last date to file the application for the Engineering Services Examination ended on 23rd October’ 2017 and the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) which conducts the Engineering Services Examination every year has further released a notification in context to the same. The notification has been released on the official website that is signifying all the branch details, syllabus, exam centres and other important updates of the UPSC IES 2018 Examination. 

UPSC IES 2018 Exam | Branch Wise Details 

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducts the Engineering Services Exam (ESE) 2018 for the purpose of recruitment of the Group A as well as B services for the different branches and posts. The recruitment for the engineering posts is divided into four main heads namely Civil engineering, Mechanical engineering, Electrical Engineering as well as Electronics & Communication Engineering. There are basically four main categories where the branches for the UPSC ESE 2018 Exam are distributed.

The first category is the civil engineering dealing with the ‘A’ group of services. The second and the third category are the ones dealing with the ‘A/B’ group of posts or services in the mechanical and electrical field respectively. The fourth category deals in the electronic and telecommunication engineering which deals in group ‘A’ services. 

Branch Sub-divisions In UPSC ESE 2018 Exam 

The UPSC ESE 2018 Exam which is conducted for the recruitment of individuals to work at various Engineering posts, has declared a total of 588 vacancies approximately. Out of these announced 588 vacancies, 18 vacancies belong to the PH(PWD) candidates. The first category of Civil engineering involves the Indian Railway Service Of Engineers, Indian Railway Stores Service, Central Engineering Service, Indian Defence Service of Engineers etc.

The second category for UPSC ESE 2018 or UPSC IES 2018 includes the Indian Railway Service of Mechanical Engineers, Indian Naval Armament Services, Indian Defence Service of Engineers followed by the third category which has Indian Skill Development Service, Central Power Engineering services and many more. The fourth category deals in services and posts like Indian Telecommunication service, Indian Radio Regulatory Service, Indian Railway Service of Signal Engineers etc.

Source: UPSC


Tulika Gupta

A B.Com Graduate from Punjab University, Tulika Gupta is a playful, high spirited and an energetic soul who loves to read and write. When she is not writing, you can either find her in her dreamer mode or fulfilling her social media instincts. You can write to her at
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