UPSC ESE/IES 2018 Prelims exam result has been declared on the official UPSC website at online. Lakhs of aspirants every year appear for the ‘Engineering Services Examination’ conducted by the Union Public Service Commission to recruit candidates from various engineering disciplines into the prestigious departments under the Government of India. The UPSC ESE preliminary exam was held on January 7, 2018 for the candidates who had applied for the same last year in October 2017 online. The result of the same within a months’ time has now been released by the Commission in the form of a UPSC ESE/IES 2018 merit list of qualified candidates online. Aspirants are iterated to check the same online and check the next step of applying for the Mains exam this year.
UPSC ESE/IES 2018 Prelims Exam Result Declared | Know How To Check Online
The preliminary exam of the UPSC ESE 2018 was held in January last month wherein lacs of aspirants from various engineering fields across the nation took the test. With its result on the official website declared by the Union Public Service Commission for the candidates who took the test in the form of merit list of qualified candidates in a pdf format uploaded online, aspirants are requested to carefully look for their roll numbers in the same.
The result list can be accessed by visiting the aforesaid official website and clicking on the right side of the homepage with news tab on it. The detailed write-up as a press release is also available below which all the roll numbers or registration numbers allotted to the candidates are tabulated for them. Candidates can use the ‘CTRL+F’ command and type their RIDs with series available to check for their presence in the UPSC ESE/IES 2018 Prelims exam result merit list online.
UPSC Engineering Services Exam 2018 | Know Next Step & Fill DAF For Mains Online
The candidates who have made it through the UPSC Engineering Services preliminary exam 2018 merit list are all now eligible to take the Mains test. Serving as a screening test to shortlist candidates for the next level of UPSC ESE Mains exam shall be scheduled to be held on July 1, 2018. The admit cards for the UPSC IES/ESE exams are always released atleast 3 weeks prior for the candidates to download and notify the Commission in case of any discrepancy found in the same.
The candidates who crack the UPSC ESE/IES 2018 exam shall have to apply for the Mains exam again by filling out and submitting an online form. The ‘Detailed Application Form’ as DAF released for the UPSC Mains exam 2018 has to be submitted by the applicants for them to be considered for the next level exam by the Commission. For those who fail to submit the same are liable to get their candidature for the same cancelled by the authorities.
The online UPSC ESE Mains 2018 exam ‘DAF’ shall be made available for the candidates soon which has to be submitted within a stipulated time period with an additional amount of fee (INR 200) in order to appear for the Maine exam. We wish all the UPSC IES/ESE 2018 exam aspirants, all the very best. For complete merit list of qualified candidates & detailed write-up for UPSC Prelims exam result 2018, click on the link below.
Source: UPSC