Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) announced the timetable for the IES (Indian Economic Services) & ISS (Indian Statistical Service) exam 2018 all over India. In the month of March 2018 only UPSC announced the notification for the post of IES & ISS posts. And the application process for the last date for UPSC IES/ ISS was 16th April 2018. Now the Commission has been out with the exam date for the IES / ISS 2018.
For the aspirants, who have filled the form for the post of IES/ ISS under Union Public Service Commission 2018 can now check the exam date for the same. As UPSC has announced the exam dates for the post of IES/ ISS 2018, which will start from 29 June & end by 1 July for this year.
UPSC IES/ ISS 2018 Timetable (Exam dates & more)
Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) rolled out the notification regarding the timetable of the exam for the post of IES (Indian Economic Service)/ ISS (Indian Statistical Service) 2018. Know the full details of exam date & time subject wise for UPSE IES/ISS 2018 here-
29 June 2018 (General English & General Studies) from 9 Am to 12 noon & 2 Pm to 5 Pm
30 June 2018– General Economics 1 (9 Am to 12 Noon), Statistic 1- Objective (9 Am to 11 Am), General Economics 2 (2 Pm to 5 Pm) & Statistics 2 Objective (2 Pm to 4 Pm).
1 July 2018- General Economics 3 & Statistical 3 Descriptive (9 Am to 12 Noon), Indian Economics & Statistics 4 (2 Pm & 5 Pm).
As per the notification of UPSE, there have been 14 & 32 vacancies for the post of Indian Economic Service (Junior Time Scale Position) & Indian Statistical Service respectively for the year 2018.
Eligibility & Exam Centre more for UPSC IES/ ISS 2018 Post
Application for the post of Union Public Service Commission IES/ ISS 2018 has been closed & the age limit of the same was around 21-30 years. As per the eligibility of IES/ ISS post under UPSC is concerned, the candidate who has completed PG degree in Economics/ Business Economics/ Applied Economics/ Econometrics were eligible for the post of IES (Indian Economic Service). Whereas those who have completed Bachelor’s/ Master’s degree in Stats, Applied Stats, Mathematical Stats can apply for ISS Post 2018 in UPSC.
There will be 19 different centres for the exam of UPSC IES/ ISS 2018 in the cities like- Chandigarh, Bengaluru, Bhopal, Mumbai, Lucknow, Kolkata, Jammu, Jaipur, Patna, Shillong, Shimla, Hyderabad & many more. Whereas the hall tickets for the same will be out by June 2018 for the applicants of Union Public Service Commission IES & ISS posts.