Th Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) which conducts the National Defence Academy (NDA) as well as the Naval Academy Examination (I) 2018 has rolled out an official notification stating the release of the UPSC NDA & NA Exam admit cards as well as other related important instructions. Scheduled to be held on 22nd April’ 2018, the UPSC NA (I) Exam 2018 is set to be held at different exam locations which are spread in as many as 41 centers across the whole country.
The UPSC NDA and NA Exam 2018 are prestigious examinations held to recruit the people who are willing to serve the nation and thus experience a life which is one in a million.
UPSC NA (I) Exam 2018 Admit Cards Out
The UPSC NA (I) Exam 2018 which is to be conducted in the second half of the month of April’ 2018 has recently released an official notification which contains the admit cards of the aspirants who will be appearing for the examination. The aspirants of the UPSC NA (I) Exam 2018 should note that the UPSC NA (I) Exam 2018 admit cards are available online only and can be downloaded from the official website only. Also, no paper UPSC NA (I) Exam 2018 admit card shall be issued for the candidates appearing for the examination.
For the rejected candidates, a letter stating the reason for the rejection has been formulated already. The candidates who are unable to download their UPSC NA (I) Exam 2018 need to contact the UPSC Facilitation Counter by calling on 011-2338-1125, 011-2338-5271 or 011-2309-8543 on any of the working day in between 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. Also, you can send a fax to Fax number 011-2338-7310.
UPSC NA (I) Exam 2018 | Important Instructions
All the details are clearly stated on the UPSC NA (I) Exam admit card 2018 and it is necessary for the students to read all the stated instructions carefully. The instructions regarding the photograph have also been mentioned clearly and should be considered similarly. In the case, if your photograph is not printed or is not clearly visible on the downloaded UPSC NA (I) Exam 2018 admit card, you need to carry two copies of the identical photographs along with an identity proof as well as your UPSC NA (I) Exam 2018 admit card on the day when the exam is to be held.
All the students, who have submitted any kind of query or representation with the conducting authority should go through their mailboxes to get through the communication of such sort.