The UPSC NDA NA I Exam 2018 was conducted recently across the various centres established within the country in order to recruit individuals to work under various courses and departments. Many experts after the exam have presented their views as well as the UPSC NDA NA I Exam 2018 expected cut off score.
The UPSC NDA NA I Exam 2018 was conducted in order to recruit various individuals seeking admission in different courses as many as 244 in total out of which, 141 belong to the National Defence Academy (NDA) as well as 103 belong to the National Academy (NA). The UPSC NDA NA I Exam 2018 expected cut off score will help the students get a fair idea about how their performance in the UPSC NDA NA I Exam 2018.
UPSC NDA NA I Exam 2018 Expected Score by Experts
The UPSC NDA NA I Exam 2018 was conducted in two parts out of which, part I was the Mathematics section and the General Ability Test (GAT) was the second section. The Mathematics section which is the first part was of a total of 300 marks and had as many as 120 questions which were tougher when compared to the questions proposed in the UPSC NDA NA I Exam of the last year.
The experts feel that the cut-off score for Mathematics is likely to dip in 2018 because many students found the trigonometry questions tough as well as confusing. The GAT paper was comparatively easier than that maths one, English being the easiest of them all. For the mathematics paper of the UPSC NDA NA I Exam 2018, the maximum marks are 300 and the expected cut-off score is 170-200. For the General Ability Test, the maximum marks are 600 and the expected cut-off marks are 380-420. Whereas, this information has been received by the students. The actual figures for the UPSC NDA NA I Exam 2018 might vary.
UPSC NDA NA I Exam 2018 | 415 Candidates To be Selected
In the recently conducted UPSC NDA NA I Exam 2018, a total number of 415 candidates in total are to be selected. Out of these selected candidates, 360 candidates belong to the National Defence Academy as well as the rest 55 belong to the Naval Academy.
The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducted the UPSC NDA NA I Exam 2018 for admissions in both the NDA as well as the NA courses which shall be commencing after the whole of the selection procedure gets over.