UPSC released a notification regarding the vacancy of Marketing Officer, Specialist, Assistant Chemist for the year 2017. There are 32 Vacancies and if you want to apply for these vacancies in UPSC then apply online on the official website of UPSC. The last date to apply for UPSC vacancies of Marketing Officer, Specialist, Assistant Chemist is 10th August 2017.
UPSC Recruitment 2017, Total Vacancies and Post Details
UPSC will recruit for three Posts i.e Marketing officer, Specialist and Assistant Chemist. For each post, there are different vacancies. For the post of marketing officer there are 28 vacancies, For the post of Specialist there are 3 vacancies and for the post of Assistant Chemist there is only 1 vacancy. Apply online for the post of UPSC at http://www.upsconline.nic.in
Pay Scale and Salary Package
For the post of Marketing Officer, there are 28 posts available and pay scale for this post is Rs.44,900 – 1,42,400 per month. For Specialist, there are 03 posts and the pay scale for this post is Rs.15,600 – 39,100 per month. For Assistant Chemist there is only 1 vacancy and the pay scale for this is Rs.9300 – 34,800 per month.
UPSC Recruitment Educational Qualifications
For the post of Marketing officer, candidate must have a Master’s degree in Botany or in Agricultural Economics. Also a 2 years experience in the field of Agricultural Marketing. For the post of Specialist, candidate must have a MBBS degree from a recognised University. For the post of Assistant chemist, candidates must have a Master’s degree in Chemistry or in Agricultural Chemistry.
Fees for UPSC Recruitment 2017
There is a fees of Rs.25 only and the fees can be deposited either by depositing cash in SBI or by net banking too of SBI. Fees can be paid by VISA/MASTER DEBIT/CREDIT Card. There is no fees for women candidates and for SC/ST/PH candidates. Application without the fee will not be considered and will be rejected.
UPSC Recruitment 2017, How to Apply Online
Willing candidates who fulfilled all the required qualifications can apply online for the posts of UPSC(Marketing Officer, Specialist, Assistant Chemist). You can apply for the posts of UPSC directly on UPSC website. To apply online go to http://www.upsconline.nic.in.
Last Date for UPSC Recruitment 2017
The last date to fill the online application form is August 10. The online application for the post of Marketing Officer, Specialist, Assistant Chemist has started and if you want to apply for the same then apply online on http://www.upsconline.nic.in