UPSC Recruitment 2018: Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released an official notification and invited online applications from the candidates for various posts. The official notification is available on the website of UPSC and candidates can check the details and eligibility in that notification. The official notification for the UPSC Recruitment 2018 can be read on the website>Recruitment>ORA. Here are some of the basic and important details of UPSC 2018 recruitment September month.
UPSC Recruitment 2018 – Important Details
The candidates need to be registered before the online applications for the various posts of Union Public Service Commission. The registration can be done on the website of UPSC. The official website to apply online is or The registered candidates need not to register again to apply for the UPSC vacancies.
When the candidates click on the Apply Now button, he/she will be redirected to the login page. Here candidates will have to enter the Registration ID and Password. In any case, if candidates have forgotten the password, then they can also reset it by clicking on the forgot password option. Enter the correct details while logging otherwise the account will be blocked. After successful login candidates can apply for the post of Union Public Service Commission.
As per the official notification released by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), there are total 10 vacancies for multiple posts. There are total three lecturer vacancies in Department of Training & Technical Education. Out of these 3 vacancies, 2 are for unreserved category and 1 is for ST category. Further, there are 3 vacancies for the Director post out of which 1 is for OBC category and 2 are for unreserved category. Lastly, there are 4 vacancies for the post of an Economic officer out of which 2 are for OBC and 2 for unreserved category.
The online application process has started and the candidates can fill the application form till 27th September 2018. After the last date, no application received will be entertained. The last date to print the completely submitted application form is 28th September 2018. This is an online application form filling process and no other mode of applications will be accepted by the Union Public Service Commission.
Applicants must fulfill the essential and minimum educational qualifications for the post. The details of the required qualifications for the post are mentioned in the official notification of UPSC. As per the notification of the Union Public Service Commission, the application fee for the General and OBC category candidates is Rs 25 while there is no application fee for the female candidates and reserved category candidates.
UPSC Recruitment 2018 Official Notification