UPSC – Union Public Service Commission has released the latest notification on 30th May in regard to CAPF 2018 Recruitment exam which is to be held on 12th August. The application process for UPSC CAPF 2018 closed on 21st may and it is on 30th May that the commission has come out with a new notification to inform candidates those whose applications have been rejected.
If you have applied for UPSC CAFP 2018 exam and had filled the application, here is an official notification from where you can come to know if your application has been rejected. Over 34 applications have been rejected by the Union Public Service Commission over non-payment of the fees. The application fee to fill up the online form for UPSC CAPF 2018 was Rs. 200 but certain candidates have been listed whose fee has not been confirmed by the commission.
UPSC Rejects 34 applications for CAPF 2018
As stated above, the main reason for rejecting the Central Armed Police Forces application of 34 candidates is because the commission has not been able to confirm the fee paid by the candidates. It was stated in the official notification for CAPF 2018 as released on 25 April that the candidates applying for the same have to deposit Rs. 200 in SBI bank or through an online mode.
The Union Public Service Commission has released a list of 34 candidates along with their registration numbers, name, email and transaction ID. All candidates who applied for UPSC CAPF 2018 are requested to check the list. A direct link to the rejected candidates list can be accessed here.
Procedure to Appeal against rejection
In case, you find your details in the UPSC list, you need to follow the procedure as mentioned in the official notification. We have described the same below.
Appeal against rejection can be made within 10 days. Candidates have to give a documentary evidence by speed post OR by hand to Shri S K Sehgal, Under Secretary (CAPF), Union Public Service Commission, Hall No. 2, Examination Building, Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi – 110 069.
The last date to receive such appeal for UPSC CAPF 2018 is 07 June. On receipt of documentary proof, genuine fee payment cases will be considered and applications will be revived, if it is otherwise eligible. In case of fee payment through cash deposit through SBI, you need to show the bank pay-in slip and in case of online transfer, candidates need to submit a copy of debit / credit card or bank account statement with transaction details.
We wish all candidates who have applied for Union Public Service Commission CAPF Recruitment Exam – all the very best.