As city residents will be in a party mood on the New Year Eve to welcome 2015, Chandigarh Police will be on their toes to prevent any nuisance or unwanted incident. Special nakas have been planned to check the activity of residents on city roads at midnight.
Number of Policemen:
As many as 2159 policemen including top officials will be on duty during the New Year night in Chandigarh. The officials who will be present on city roads to supervise the nakas include 13 deputy superintendents (DSP), 42 inspectors as well as sub inspectors. 600 women cops will also be on duty. Policemen in khakhi dress will assist the traffic police officials at each checking point. 60 PCR vehicles with additional official vehicles and motorbikes will be stationed at major nakas.
Number of Nakas:

According to the plan a total of 86 nakas will be set up in Chandigarh on the night of 31st December at various locations throughout the city. All the nakas will be equipped with PCR gypsies and motorcycles. Out of these 86 checking points, 32 nakas will be specially set up to check drunk driving. All these 32 nakas will be equipped with instruments to check the quantity of liquor consumed by the driver. Apart from drink and drive, over speeding will also be an important measure on which challans could be issued. Barricades for these nakas will be in place by the morning of 31st December.
Instructions to Party Organizers (Hotels, Discs, Restaurants, etc.)
Chandigarh Police has given special guidelines to all hotels, restaurants, resorts and discos in Chandigarh for New Year’s party. These include:
- CCTV cameras to be installed at all venues where New Year parties are been held in Chandigarh
- No alcohol will be served beyond 1 AM however the premises can be open till 2:30 AM.
- Every venue should have fire safety equipment and first aid arrangements.
- Arrangement of cabs to drop guests home who are under the influence of liquor.
- Safety of women guests to be a priority.
- Power backup at each venue.
- Male as well as female bouncers to be present at party venues.
Source 1: Hindustan Times (HT Chandigarh, Dated 30th December 2014)
Source 2: Chandigarh Tribune. Link: http://www.tribuneindia.com/news/community/tight-security-arrangements-for-new-year-s-eve-in-city-beautiful/24187.html
Chandigarh Police has said that they are not doing all this to spoil the mood of Chandigarh citizens but all they want is to give Chandigarh – A Safe and Happy New year.
We, at ChandigarhMetro.com request all residents not to drink and drive and obey the traffic rules while celebrating New Year 2015 in Chandigarh.