UP Police Constable Recruitment Re-Exam 2018 | Old Admit Cards Not Allowed – Download New Ones Now

Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board (UPPBPB) is conducting the re-exam for constable recruitment. The date for the re-exam is 25th October and it is being said that the old admit cards will not be allowed. All the candidates who are appearing for the re-exam on 25th and 26th October under UP Police Constable exam need to download the new admit cards which will be available on the official website of Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board i.e. uppbpb.gov.in.

It may be noted that the exam date and city information for 24th and 25th Oct exam had been updated earlier. The new admit cards will have all the information including date, time, venue and shift for the Uttar Pradesh Police re-exam. Earlier, the exam for UP Ploce constable was held on 18th and 19th June 2018 but it was then cancelled and rescheduled to a later date.

Uttar Pradesh Police Re-Exam Admit Cards

In order to download the new admit cards for UP Police constable re-exam, candidates can follow these instructions given below:

Visit the official website of Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board.

Click on the first notification which is on the top that says – Organizing the rescheduled off-line examination held on 18-06-2018 and 19-06-2018 of the second shift under the direct recruitment of the posts of Reserve Police and Reservation PACC2012, on 25.10.2018 and 26.10.2018. Information for candidates regarding time, shift and district related to the examination.

Find the link to download admit cards. Click and fill in the details to download it on your computer.

Candidates need to take a print out of the admit card and carry it to the examination centre where Uttar Pradesh Police constable re-exam is scheduled to be held as per instructions on the admit card.

In order of any difficulty, candidates can reach out to Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment Board at toll-free


Ajay Deep

Ajay Deep is a young enthusiast who Loves Chandigarh and is always eager to make this beautiful city even more beautiful. A Mechanical Engineer By Chance and Working in an IT MNC by Choice. A Writer, Photographer and a Budding Entrepreneur. A Designer, Developer and Digital Marketing Expert. In brief : A Jack of All Trades and Master of Few :) You may reach Ajay Deep at ajay@chandigarhmetro.com
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