Chinese smartphone company Vivo has launched its Vivo V7 smartphone in India. Vivo V7 is the smaller variant of Vivo V7+ which was launched in the month of September. The phone is different from Vivo V7+ in terms of Battery, Storage, and smaller display. Rest of the specs of Vivo V7 remains the same. Vivo V7 is launched in two color variants – Champagne Gold and Matte Black. The new phone of Vivo is launched as Flipkart Exclusive but will be available to purchase from retail locations too. Here are the full details of Vivo V7 smartphone. check it out.
Price of Vivo V7 Smartphone
The price of Vivo V7 smartphone is Rs.18,990. The phone is now available for booking on Flipkart and the first sale of Vivo V7 smartphone will start from Friday i.e November 24th. On stores, the phone will be available to purchase from November 25th.
Launch Offers of Vivo V7 Smartphone
Flipkart has also announced launch offers on Vivo V7 smartphone. The phone comes with No Cost EMI options, One Time free screen replacement and Free couple movie voucher from Book My Show. There is an exchange offer too on Vivo V7. Customers can get up to Rs.18,000 off and additional Rs.2,000 exchange discount. Axis Bank Buzz Credit card holders will get extra 5% discount on Vivo V7 phone.
Specifications of Vivo V7 Smartphone
Now coming to the specs in Vivo V7 smartphone, the phone is powered by an octa-core Snapdragon 450 processor and it runs on Android Nougat 7.1 operating system with company Funtouch OS 3.2. Vivo V7 features a display of 5.7 inches. The display is full HD+ with a resolution of 720×1440 pixels. The display in Vivo V7 smartphone comes with an aspect ratio of 18:9. Talking about the internal storage in Vivo V7 and RAM of the phone, the phone has 4GB RAM and internal storage of 32GB. The internal memory of Vivo V7 smartphone is expandable up to 256GB.
Moving to the camera of the phone, Vivo V7 has a 24MP front camera for selfies and video calling. The front camera features a Moonlight Glow Selfie Light. At the back, there is a 16MP camera with LED flash. The phone gets its power from 3000mAh battery. Connectivity options in Vivo V7 include 4G VoLTE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth v4.2, GPS, and Micro-USB.
Source – Gad.Ndtv