Recently Vivo launched its new phone Vivo V7. Vivo V7 is the affordable variant of Vivo V7+ smartphone which was launched in the month of September. Vivo V7 smartphone is a selfie-centric smartphone that comes with a 24MP front camera. Vivo V7 comes with same hardware that was in Vivo V7+ but few changes in Battery, Storage, and display. Vivo V7 Price in India is Rs.18,990 and the sale of Vivo V7 has started from 25 November in India. Here are the top features of Vivo V7 smartphone that makes it a perfect phone. Check it Out.
Vivo V7 Top Features – Display of Phone
Starting with the display, Vivo V7 comes with a metal frame and a glass panel in front. This design of Vivo V7 smartphone makes it classy. On the back of Vivo V7, there is a metal finished plastic casing. There are no capacitive or physical keys on the bottom of the front. The display of Vivo V7 is 5.7 inches and comes with 720×1440 pixels resolution. It comes with Full View IPS Display with an aspect ratio of 18:9. The screen/display in Vivo V7 is protected with 2.5D Corning Gorilla Glass. The phone also has a notification LED on the front.
Vivo V7 Top Features – Camera of Phone
Starting with the front camera which is the biggest highlight of Vivo V7. For selfies, there is a 24MP camera at the front that comes with f/2.0 aperture. The front camera of Vivo V7 smartphone is integrated with Moonlight Glow Flash with which it will be easy to take selfies in low light. At the back of Vivo V7 smartphone, there is a 16MP camera that comes with LED Flashlight and f/2.0 aperture. The rear camera of the phone supports PDAF.
Vivo V7 Top Features – Some Other Features
Vivo V7 smartphone Comes with Face recognition feature too. The front camera of Vivo V7 smartphone can be used to unlock the smartphone with its facial recognition feature. The volume button and the power button is on the right side of the phone and on the left side there are sim card and memory card slot. On the back the camera and LED flash are situated on the left top side and below that there is a fingerprint sensor. Below the fingerprint sensor of Vivo V7 smartphone Company Name, Vivo is written.
Vivo V7 Top Features – Internal Specifications
Vivo V7 smartphone is powered by 1.8GHz octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 450 processor. Talking about the RAM and Storage of Vivo V7 smartphone, the phone has a 4GB RAM and for storing data, music, videos, apps and other files there is a 32GB internal storage which is expandable up to 256GB via microSD card. The phone runs on Android Nougat 7.1 operating system and gets its power from 3000mAh battery.