Vivo V9 Youth Price Cut: Vivo V9 Youth which was launched in India in the month of April this year has received a price cut of Rs.1000. The phone was launched in April at a price tag of Rs.18,990. The Vivo V9 Youth is the single variant that comes with 4GB RAM and 32GB internal storage. the biggest highlight of the phone is its 19:9 display with iPhone X-like top notch. Here are the details and the new price of Vivo V9 Youth.
Viv V9 Youth Price Cut – Latest Price
The phone Viv V9 Youth was launched in India at Rs.18,990. But now the phone has received a price cut of Rs.1000. After the price cut of Rs.1000, the new price of the phone is Rs.17,990. The phone is now available to purchase across online and offline stores. The phone comes with a dual rear camera which is the biggest highlight of the phone after the 19:9 display.
Vivo V9 Specifications
Display, Processor & Operating System: Coming to the specifications of Vivo V9 Youth, the smartphone comes with a display of 6.3-inches, the display of the phone is full HD+ and the resolution of the screen is 1080×2280 pixels. the aspect ratio of the display is 19:9 which is the biggest highlight of the phone. V9 Youth smartphone runs on the Android Oreo 8.1 operating system with Funtouch OS 4.0.
RAM & Storage: The smartphone comes in a single variant. The RAM of the phone is 4GB and the internal storage of the phone is 32GB. Users can expand the internal storage of the phone up to 256GB via microSD card.
Camera Specifications: Coming to the camera specifications of the Vivo V9 Youth Smartphone, the phone comes with a dual rear camera at the back. The rear camera of the phone comes with a 16MP primary sensor and a 2MP secondary sensor. For the selfies and video calling there is a 16MP camera on the front.
Battery & Other Features: The battery of the phone is 3260mAh. At the back of the phone, there is a fingerprint sensor. Connectivity options on the phone include WiFi, GPS, Bluetooth etc.