Vodafone has launched the 158 prepaid plan and the new 151 plan for all prepaid users of Kerala not for all users of Vodafone. Both the new plan of Vodafone offers unlimited calls and data. The plans are under the Vodafone Super Plans. Here are the full details of the Plan 158 of Vodafone and Plan 151 of Vodafone. Check it out.
Vodafone 158 Plan Details
The first plan is the 158 plan of Vodafone. This plan offers unlimited calls and data with the daily usage limit. To make it clear early, the calls are not totally unlimited in the plan. Although all local, STD and Roaming calls are free in this plan, it comes with daily and weekly calling limits. The daily calling limit in the plan 158 of Vodafone is 250 minutes. The weekly calling limit is 1000 minutes.
The 158 plan of Vodafone offers 28GB 4G data in total and the daily data usage limit is 1GB per day. This plan of Vodafone competes with Jio 149 plan that offers 1.5GB data per day, unlimited calls, 100 free SMS with validity of 28 days. In the comparison of this 158 plan of Vodafone, Airtel has plan 169 that offers unlimited calls and 1GB daily data usage for the selected Airtel 4G partnered phones and for the other phones, the plan offers validity of 14 days.
Vodafone Plan 151
This plan of Vodafone offers similar calling benefits as Vodafone 158 plan. All local calls, STD calls and Roaming Calls are free in this plan. But the daily limit of 250 minutes and weekly calling limit of 1000 minutes is also there in this plan. This plan of Vodafone is also available for the users of Kerala Circle. Maybe the plan will become open market plan in future.
Talking about the data benefits of the plan, this plan 151 of Vodafone offers only 1GB data for the whole month. The validity of the 151 plan of Vodafone is 28 days. This plan of Vodafone competes with Jio 98 plan that offers 2GB data, Free Unlimited calls and 300 free SMS for 28 days. The 151 plan of Vodafone also competes with Airtel 93 plan that offers similar benefits including free calls, 1GB 3G/4G data usage and 100 free SMS per day.