Telecom Operator Vodafone India has revised its Rs. 198 plan once again and started offering 1GB daily data with unlimited calls. The new plan of Vodafone is a monthly plan and it competes with the recently launched Jio 199 plan. Price of the new plan of Vodafone may vary from circle to circle in India. Check complete details of the 198 plan of Vodafone here.
Vodafone 198 Plan Details
With the new Vodafone 198 plan, users will be able to use free data up to 28GB. The daily limit of 4G data usage in the Vodafone 198 plan is 1GB. Apart from free data, the plan will also offer unlimited calls. In addition to All local and STD calls, all roaming calls will also be free in this plan by Vodafone. There will be no extra charge for calls made on roaming. This new plan of Vodafone will carry a validity of 28 days.
Among all Vodafone plans this plan is the cheapest plan of Vodafone that offers Unlimited data usage and calling. The plan takes care of both data usage as well as calling. Well, if you are a Vodafone user and looking for the best monthly unlimited plan, then this is the best option to pick.
Jio Latest 199 Plan
Last week Jio launched two new plans for its consumers. One of the plans from the new player in the telecom sector – Jio is the 199 plan. The 199 plan from Jio is again a monthly plan that offers 1.2GB data per day data to its consumers. The validity of 199 plan of Jio is 28 days and this plan also comes loaded with unlimited SMS as well. Users will get unlimited calling to local numbers, STD number and unlimited calling in roaming too in this plan. While the second plan 299 of Jio comes with 2GB daily data. Rest of the benefits are same.
Airtel 199 Plan
Market leader Bharti Airtel has also launched the 199 plan under which the telecom operator is giving Unlimited Local, STD and Roaming calls. In this plan of Airtel users will get free data usage of 1GB per day. The plan also offers Unlimited SMS. Validity of the Airtel 199 plan is also 28 days. The 199 plan from Airtel is also the best monthly plan in which users will get to use 28gB data with free calls.