Recently, the news sources announced that Vodafone India has joined hands with Itel to offer attractive cashback offer on A20 smartphone launched by Vodafone. According to the offers, the cashback of Rs. 21,00 has been availed on the purchase of new Itel A20. Originally the cost of the A20 smartphone has been selling for Rs. 3690. This cashback offer brings the price of this A20 smartphone to Rs. 1590. Vodafone has merged up with Itel to provide the customers with the best offers including 4G data speed.
With the ongoing changes going on in the market, the customers are continuously modifying their handsets from feature phone to smartphones. With this offer, the customers will be provided not only with the 4G smartphone but will also receive attractive data from Vodafone.
Vodafone and Itel Brings exclusive Cashback Offer & Data Offers on A20 Smartphone
According to latest updates, Itel A20 has now been offered with the cashback of Rs. 1200 in the market. With the ongoing changes in the mobile industry of the country, everyone is upgrading to smartphones to benefit the new 4G mobile internet speed and features. Vodafone has recently come up with the exciting data offers on the purchase of Itel A20 smartphone. A20 smartphone is one of the popular 4G affordable smartphone designed by Itel. With this exciting offer of cashback and affordable data, everyone will be able to enjoy the 4G speed of data while shifting from feature phone to smartphone.
How to Avail Offers on Purchase of Vodafone Itel A20 Smartphone
All the customers can avail this offer on purchase of the Itel A20 smartphone worth Rs. 3690 up to 31st March 2018. The customers can prevail the offer on recharge of Rs. 150 per month for 18 months. After 18 months the customers who purchase Itel A20 Smartphone will get cashback of Rs. 900 along with the additional cashback of Rs. 12,00 after another 18 months. The cashback will be received in the customer’s M-Pesa wallets.
This is the step the Vodafone and Itel have taken to stand in the changing mobile and telecommunication industry. With this offer, all the Vodafone customers will be able to transform with time to enjoy the 4G data speed.
Source – EconomicTimes