Vodafone New Plan Rs.9: Vodafone India has launched a new plan for its prepaid users under which the telecom operator is offering free voice calls, 4G data and 100 SMS. The new plan launched by Vodafone is the Plan 9. It is a special recharge plan of Vodafone and is applicable for the users in UP East Circles. The entry-level plan Rs.9 of Vodafone offers free calls along with data and SMS for one day. Here are the full details of the Vodafone Entry Level plan 9. Check it out.
Vodafone New Plan Rs.9 Details
Digging into the details of the Vodafone New Plan Rs.9, the plan is available for the users in UP East Circle. The plan offers unlimited voice calls to any network in India. The plan also offers 100MB data and 100 SMS for a day. The data is 2G/3G/4G. The plan comes with a validity of 1 day. Not only Vodafone but Jio, Airtel, and Idea are also offering small sachet plans.
Vodafone Prepaid Unlimited Plans
Last month Vodafone India revised its 349 prepaid recharge plan and started offering 3GB Data per day with free calls along with 100 Free SMS per day. The plan earlier was providing 2.5GB data per day. This change came just after Airtel and Idea revised its plans. Vodafone 349 plan offers free calls and calls are not unlimited. There is a daily and weekly calling cap on the calls. The pack validity is 28 days.
Vodafone has also launched prepaid pack 569 which also offers 3GB Data per day. But this plan of Vodafone comes with a validity of 84 days. This is the best plan of Vodafone if a Vodafone user is looking for a plan with a long validity and more 4G data. The plan also offers free calls and 100 free SMS per day.
The 511 recharge plan of Vodafone also launched along with the plan 569. The 511 recharge plan of Vodafone comes with a validity of 84 days. In this plan, users will get 2GB 4G data per day. The pack also offers 100 free SMS per day for 84 days. All calls are free in this plan with daily and weekly calling limit.