Smriti Irani may soon team up with Ekta Kapoor for TV comeback with new serial. After the duo Smriti Irani and Ekta Kapoor revolutionized the small screen with one of the most watched serial ‘Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi’ on Star Plus, it is believed that Ekta Kapoor may offer a platform to Smriti Irani to make a comeback on the small screen again.
Ekta Kapoor & Smriti Irani’s Association
Smriti Irani became a household name for her character ‘Tulsi’ in Ekta Kapoor’s serial ‘Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi’ aired on Star Plus. Smriti Irani’s character Tulsi was so loved that everyone started relating to the character and it became a part of every family, virtually though! Smriti Irani’s character and Ekta Kapoor’s story line proved a milestone in the history of Indian Television after Hindu epic Ramayana by Ramanand Sagar.
Due to the strong characters in the serial like Smriti Irani playing Tulsi’s character’ and Amar Upadhyay essaying the role of Mihir Virani, ‘Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi’ has often been termed as a game-changer for Indian Television as it changed the way television was perceived and became a new ray of hope for millions aspiring actors who wanted to be a part of the tinsel town.
What’s Smriti’s Plan?
It was reported that in the year 2016 Smriti Irani attend Ekta Kapoor’s Diwali bash after a prolonged sabbatical. Since this meeting last year, Smriti Irani and Ekta Kapoor have been taking out time to meet each other more often. There has been no official statements from either of them about any professional team up, but rumors suggest the two may have been meeting more often to discuss some new project or finalizing some new script.
Smriti Irani may make a comeback on small screen
Smriti Irani and Ekta Kapoor’s frequent meetings sparked off rumors that both might team up for a new project soon. It was also rumored that some of the actors from ‘Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi’ team may collaborate again for a new project. It was also reported that Smriti Irani would be making her TV comeback soon with a new serial. As per reports, Smriti Irani was supposed to come a come back with a cameo in ‘Kundali Bhagya’ which did not materialize.
Source: Bombay Times