Chandigarh, the city that is renowned for being one of the most well-structured city has been flashing in News for several odd news. This time a Chandigarh Woman has allegedly filed a case against the Police for allegedly impressing false DDR against her. The reason that sources have come up for this DDR by Police against this women were her actions disturbing the Police administration.
Woman Files Case Against Police Claiming False DDR has been Passed Against Her
The woman who has filed this case against police is a resident of Sector 20 Chandigarh. This case was filed against officers of Sector 36 Police station in Chandigarh. The complaint was filed not only against the officers of Sector 36 Police Station but also against the PO staff and District Court Employee with the PCA that is Police Complaint Authority. The Complaint followed up was in regards to the release of her husband, who was earlier arrested in case of pending maintenance on the orders of the local court, who signed off the warrant for his arrest.
According to the sources, the woman also claims that an employee of the local court also arrived at the police station. Her husband who was initially prepared to pay the maintenance, suddenly changed his mind. This was the basic reason behind his arrest by the Police.
The man was then released from the custody of Police and when this news fell onto her ears she got really disturbed. Not only, the woman questions the release of her husband by police, but now she also claims that the police has launched a false DDR against her stating that she has been disturbing the police functioning.
According to the sources, the police has worked on the case as per the legal procedure. As the matter was a complete concern of the PO staff, the Police had to release the husband legally. Also, the DSP police have assured that he has communicated with the woman explaining the same procedure. The behaviour of the woman has been stated to create a halt in the functioning of the Police officers. This has been the reason for issuing the DDR against her.
Source – Indian Express