Xiaomi India has launched its ‘Mi Exchange Program’ in the country in partnership with Cashify. Under the program, you will be able to exchange your old smartphone at any Mi Home Store in the country and get a cash discount on the purchase of a new Xiaomi Mi Smart Phone. The similar feature is already provided by e-commerce giants like Flipkart and Amazon but with Xiaomi’s own ‘Mi Exchange Program’ you will be able to get a better resale value depending on the condition of your existing smartphone in India.
What is the Xiaomi ‘Mi Exchange Program’ in India all about?
The Mi Exchange Program by Xiaomi India will be available at all the Mi Home Stores in India under which you can go to a store to purchase a new Xiaomi Mi Smartphone and can sell your existing smart phone without any hassle. The resale value of your phone will be adjusted as a discount by Xiaomi under the Mi Exchange Program on the purchase of a new Xiaomi Mi Smartphone at the Mi Home Store in India.
This is a very convenient way for someone who is looking to upgrade his smartphone and does not want to go through the hassle of finding the best price available for his phone in the used phone market. Xiaomi will offer him the best resale value of his smartphone at the Mi Home Store in India by inspecting the condition thoroughly.
Mi Exchange Program is different than the exchange programs by major e-commerce websites which often fail to offer the best price for a used smartphone. You can also walk into a Mi Home Store and request for a pickup of your old smartphone from your doorstep by Cashify which works with Xiomi India for the Mi Exchange Program.
Xiaomi India hopes to open 100 Mi Home Stores in two years.
Apparently, Xiaomi has only 11 Mi Home Stores in India in cities like Pune, Mumbai, Chennai, Delhi and Bangalore but this is soon bound to change as the Chinese manufacturer is looking to open at least 100 more such stores all over the country by 2019. The Mi Exchange Program by Xiaomi will be available at all these Mi Home Stores in India.
Source: Fonearena
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