Xiaomi New Y Series is launched in India with two phones – Xiaomi Redmi Y1 and Xiaomi Redmi Y1 Lite. Both the phones are launched by Xiaomi in an event on Thursday. According to Xiaomi, the Y in the Y series stands for YOU and this series of Xiaomi is specially made for the youth of India. If you see the specs of Xiaomi Redmi Y1 and Xiaomi Redmi Y1 Lite then you must be impressed with it. Here is a Quick Look on the two phones, Xiaomi Redmi Y1 and Xiaomi Redmi Y1 Lite with full specs. Check this out.
Display of Xiaomi Redmi Y1 & Xiaomi Redmi Y1 Lite
Both the phones Xiaomi Redmi Y1 and Xiaomi Redmi Y1 Lite comes with a display of 5.5 inches. the display id HS with a resolution of 720×1280 pixels. The screen of Xiaomi Redmi Y1 is protected with Corning Gorilla Glass.
Technical Specifications of Xiaomi Redmi Y1 & Xiaomi Redmi Y1 Lite
Xiaomi Redmi Y1 is powered by an octa-core Snapdragon 435 SoC while the Redmi Y1 Lite is powered by a 1.4GHz quad-core Snapdragon 425 processor Both the phone runs on Android Nougat operating system with company’s operating system MIUI 9. There are two variants in terms of RAM in Xiaomi Redmi Y1. the phone comes with 3GB RAM and 4GB RAM while Redmi Y1 Lite comes with 2GB RAM. The internal storage of Redmi Y1 phone is 32GB and 64GB while Redmi Y1 Lite phone has 16GB storage. The internal storage of Redmi Y1 and Redmi Y1 Lite can be expanded further by means of microSD card.
In Xiaomi Redmi Y1 there is a fingerprint sensor at the back panel below the camera module. The battery of Xiaomi Redmi Y1 is 3080mAh and Redmi Y1 Lite also have the same battery capacity. Both the phones are 4G VoLTE capable.
Camera Specifications of Xiaomi Redmi Y1 & Xiaomi Redmi Y1 Lite
Moving to Camera department of Xiaomi Y series smartphone, Xiaomi Redmi Y1 smartphone comes with a 16MP front camera with selfie light. The phone also has Beautify 3.0 feature in the camera. On the back, there is a 13MP camera in the phone. Talking about the camera in Redmi Y1 Lite, the phone has a 13MP camera at back and on front, there is a 5MP camera.