Auto manufacturer Yamaha has launched its latest Superbike – Yamaha MT-09 in India. The superbike has been launched in India at an initial price of Rs 10.88 Lakh. The new Superbike from Yamaha is reported to be available only at selected Yamaha dealerships across the country. The automaker has introduced the new Yamaha MT-09 at a lower price as compared to the existing model’s price. According to the report, the company will be transmitting the GST (Goods & Service Tax) benefits to the consumers.
Yamaha Launches Superbike MT-09 in India at Rs 10.88 Lakh
The new version of Yamaha MT-09 from the stable of India Yamaha Motor Pvt. Ltd. is aimed at strengthening company’s superbike segment in the market. The new Yamaha MT-09 has been developed on the model of “multi-performance neo-roadster”. While the Yamaha MT-09 carries the ‘Power’ of a Monster it also transmits the ‘Liveliness’ of a roadster.
The new Yamaha MT-09 has been launched at an initial price of a little above Rs 10 Lakh and 88 thousand. The new superbike will be available at select dealers only across the country.
Power terrain and features of the newly launched Yamaha MT-09 Superbike
The new Superbike from Yamaha – MT-09, will carry a newly developed 3-Cylinder, liquid-cooled, 847 cc, DOHC engine. The 4-stroke, 4-valves, 847 cc, compact and lightweight engine will come equipped with ABS (Anti-lock breaking system) technology.
Some of the features that have been included in the Yamaha Superbike include leaping stance, sharp and strong yet compact profile. The bike comes with an advanced rear view with 3D appearance and swing arm mounted rear fender.
Specification of the new Yamaha Superbike
The Yamaha MT-09 Superbike has been specially developed keeping youngsters in mind. Available at select dealerships in India Yamaha has added some new features in the Superbike along with few cosmetic updates. With an overall weight of about 193 kg, packed with a powerful 847cc engine, the Yamaha MT-09 will offer the much-required adrenaline rush to the youngsters as well as the bike enthusiasts.
Yamaha MT-09 gets adjustable suspension setup coupled with the inverted front forks and rear monoshock. While the front wheel comes equipped with dual disc brakes, the rear wheel comes with a single disc brake option. The bike comes with ABS (Anti-locking breaking system) for added safety.
Source: News 18