BSNL Ananth Plus Offer: Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited regularly launches new prepaid plan for the specific circles. The telecom operator has now launched two new prepaid plans for the AP and Telangana Circles. The new plans of BSNL are launched under the BSNL Ananth Plus Prepaid Offer. BSNL has launched Rs 105 and Rs 328 plan for the prepaid users of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana Circles.
These two new prepaid plans of BSNL offers free calling. Free calling includes local, STD and roaming calls. These plans are also available for other circles too but the price of the plans are different. The benefits are the same. Well, in short, these new plans of BSNL are voice-centric plans. Here are the details.
BSNL Ananth Plus Offer Details
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited has launched two new prepaid plans under the BSNL Ananth Plus Offer – Plan 328 and Plan 105 in Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Circles. Plan 105 under the BSNL Ananth Plus is a monthly plan of 26 days validity. This plan offers free and unlimited calls only. All local calls, all STD calls, and all roaming incoming and outgoing calls are free in this plan. This is an entry level plan of BSNL.
The next plan is plan 328. This plan of Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited comes with a validity of 90 days. The benefits of this plan are the same as the benefits of plan 105. All calls are free in this plan. These two plans are best for those customers who still use a feature phone and don’t need data usage. These plans are also available in other circles too. In some circles, these plans are available at a price of 99 and 319.
BSNL Ananth Plans are the voice only plans while the other telecom operators are offering combo plans with free calls, data and SMS, BSNL is offering free calls in these plans. BSNL has many combo plans with free data, SMS and calling benefits. BSNL has recently launched the BSNL Bumper offer in which the telecom operator is offering extra 2.2GB data per day on selected 10 plans.
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited has also one more plan under Rs 100 in which the state-run telecom operator is offering 1.5GB data per day. This is the best plan of BSNL under the Rs 100.