Choice of a college is a big decision for anyone as it is the sanctum where the foundation stone for pursuing a desired career is being laid. With so many options available and a number of factors to take into consideration, the choice of a college can become a daunting task if one does not know which mistakes to avoid while choosing a college.
Knowing which mistakes not to commit while choosing a college can help you from falling into the pitfalls.
So, here, in front of you is a list of the 10 common mistakes which you need to avoid while choosing a college by Gradeup School:
Taking into account only the cost factor: Cost is definitely one of the important factors which students need to consider while choosing a college, but definitely, it should not be the sole factor. If you get admission in a top level college but are shying away from taking admission just because the admission costs and other expenses are on the higher side, you should inquire about scholarships, grants, and financial aid. Another mistake which students commit is to completely forget considering the cost factor and they are in for a big shock as they are not mentally prepared to bear the expenses.
Blindly following your friend or partner: Another common mistake which most of the students commit while choosing a college is that they end up choosing a college which their friends/partners are opting for just because they want to be near them. What might be the dream college for your friends might not be the perfect fit for you. So, rather than thinking emotionally, consider your dreams and aspirations and choose a college according to that. You need not bother about the fading bond; if you are close enough with your friends/partners, the relationship will outlast distance.
Deciding at the last moment: Procrastination needs to be avoided at all costs, more so when it comes to choosing a college. If you are going to leave the decision for the last moment, you will have to take the decision in haste. And a decision taken at the last moment has never proved to be good. When you make a decision too fast, you often skip many important factors and in the end, you might regret your decision. Also, if you wait for the last moment, it is pretty probable that the college has already closed its application process.
Following the legacy: In some families, it becomes a norm that the college from your grandparents and parents graduated, you will have to get admission in the same to carry on with the family legacy. Parents urge their children that following their footsteps is a safe option. But, you need not do so. Have a discussion with your parents about it. Let them know that you want to explore your share of options and want to take admission in that college which is the right fit according to your interests.
Relying only on the college’s advertising: Every organization wants to portray its best image in the eyes of the public and colleges are no exception to that. If you go by a college’s advertisement, every college claims to be among the topmost colleges of the country with 100% placements. Be the better judge and carry on with your extensive research before blindly believing in these advertisements. We are not telling you to be cynical but your research and inquiry win hands down over these college advertisements, anytime.
Making a choice based on non-essential factors: Many students consider many non-essential factors while choosing a college rather than academics and faculty. These factors include the infrastructure of the college, the quality of food, the surrounding areas, the nightlife near the place, and other plans which can be carried on during the weekends. Also, one of the other non-essential factors is how the student body is. You might feel momentarily attracted by a college if the above-mentioned factors comply with your tastes, but these should not be the factors on the basis of which you decide your future college.
Scared of rejection: Many a time students feel intimidated by the high profile of a college and bearing in mind, the harsh fact of rejection, do not even make an attempt to apply to that college. If, even if you fall into this category, you do not even know what chances you are missing. Do not be scared of rejection. Make a list of the colleges you can apply, check the eligibility criteria, and apply. Keep your fingers crossed and let destiny do its work.
Limiting your choice to your own locality: Many students do not want to leave their hometown and want to get admission in a college near their own locality so that they can stay in their comfort zone. But, if they expand their location, they will get more options. The right college might be distant from your locality but can be a better fit for you rather than your local colleges.
Without considering campus safety: Students, especially girls need to pay priority to this factor. Campus safety cannot be taken lightly. If you do not feel safe in an environment where you are studying, you will not be able to concentrate on the syllabus being taught. Before taking admission in a college, pay a visit to experience the feel of the place.
Accrediting the quality of a college on the level of its selection procedure: Almost all the students make a mistake of relating the level of a college on the procedure of its application. If the formalities are too lengthy and difficult, the college is considered good and if the admission process is too easy, the college is hardly given any value. It is totally a mindset – there is no logic behind this assumption. So, students need to understand that things do not work like that and they need to stop making this mistake.
These were some of the mistakes, which when avoided, can help you in choosing the right college with ease.
If you are thinking of getting into a “perfect” college, then let us tell you – there is no such thing like that. Every college comes with its own set of pros and cons. You need to know which factors are on your priority list and need to choose a college accordingly.
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