According to the latest media news flashes and in light of the current affairs, the Indian Army troops have entered their name in Gunness Book of World Record. As per the news, 58 members of Indian Army’s Service Corps ‘Tornadoes’ rolled over a single 500cc Royal Enfield motorbike for 1200 metres. This incident took place at Yelahanka Air Force Station on 19th November 2017.
58 Men Covered 1200 Meters on Single Bike
India has again been mentioned in the Guinness Book of world record. According to the media news, 58 members of the Indian Army Service rode on a single Royal Enfield and marked their name in the Guinness Book of World Record. As per the sources, this is the record-breaking event and has been recognized by the Guinness Book of World Record.
On Sunday in India ay Yelahanka Air Force Station, the Indian Army’s Daredevil team broke its record tally up to 20 by making impossible possible. Yes! these 58 Indian Army Men rode on the single bike for 1200 metres. This is their 20th record-making action. Prior to this, they have 19 other national and international records. Where Subedar Rampal Yadar manufactured the frame for the 20-year-old 500cc Royal Enfield there the team was trained under Major Bunny Sharma.
This whole incident took place at Yelahanla Air Force Station on 19th November where the India ASC Tornadoes made into Guinness Book of Records. Originally the team of 60 was to ride the motorbike but in first two failed attempts two of the Indian Army troop members got injured and had to leave the team. It was the 3rd try when they made it possible. India is full of vision and talent. This is the 20th record of the ASC Tornadoes in India. It is their dedicated effort and practice that made this possible.
This ASC Tornadoes team was formed 35 years back and was a renowned participant of the 9th Asian Games held in New Delhi 1982. This team has participated in more than 1000 national and international events over past few decades and has succeeded to create 20 national and international records. Entering India’s Name again in the Guinness Book of World Record, they have again made every Indian Proud.
Source – Hindustan Times