87 Lakh Teachers To Be Trained By NCERT Online Courses | Check Major Details Here

The National Council Of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) is known to have signed an agreement with the Curtin University located in Australia, so as to begin with the online courses to get their teachers trained. This step has been taken by the NCERT so as to help the teachers in order to establish a familiarity with the new courses that have been introduced especially in the rural as well as the interior areas.

This step has been taken by the NCERT to as to provide the online training modules to the Indian teachers in context to its development as well as implementation. The teachers under National Council Of Educational Research and Training will go through the training with the online courses which will help them in the new courses introduced in the upcoming academic sessions.

NCERT Online Training Courses For 87 Lakh Teachers

NCERT is taking steps to train the teachers with the help of the online courses to increase the quality of the education being provided. It has been noticed that if students are a part of the poor learning skills and programme, it will not only hamper the productivity but will also lead to a weak skill and ability development on the overall basis. So, with the NCERT online training courses, as many as 87 lakh teachers are to be trained.

Teaching is one such thing which is known to affect the output as well as the outlook of the students with the help of the curriculums and practices in use, therefore, the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) aims to provide online training courses for the teachers for qualified teaching.

NCERT To Take Steps To Improve Teacher Ability  

Previously, many surveys like the National Achievement Survey (NAS) 2018, had formulated reports which showed clear pictures that were pretty disappointing. After this only, the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) felt the need to take the necessary steps which will play a major role in enhancing the teachers’ ability.

It has been felt that the quality of education which is being provided has experienced a backlog since the National Curriculum Framework was kicked off back in 2005. Therefore, efforts are now being put in, keeping the quality of education being provided by the teachers on top priority by the NCERT.


Tulika Gupta

A B.Com Graduate from Punjab University, Tulika Gupta is a playful, high spirited and an energetic soul who loves to read and write. When she is not writing, you can either find her in her dreamer mode or fulfilling her social media instincts. You can write to her at hello@chandigarhmetro.com
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