After 7 months of gap, ace comedian Kapil Sharma premiered the first episode of his new show ‘Family time with Kapil Sharma’ on Sony Channel on Sunday. But seems his ex-teammate, Sunil Grover has been cooking something new to challenge Kapil Sharma. As earlier, just a few days before to the release of Kapil Sharma’s new show, both the comedian fought over twitter.
Kapil Sharma downfall begins when last year he misbehaved with his teammates & also hit Sunil Grover. From then till now, Kapil Sharna & Sunil Grover parted away their path. And now after the release of his second Bollywood movie Firangi, Kapil Sharma returned to Television with his new show.
Family Time with Kapil Sharma Premiere Episode Failed to impress fans
Expectations were very high from the new show of comedian Kapil Sharma after the previous show. As per the earlier reports, fans expected some fresh content but it even becomes worst with the latest show. On the very first episode of Family time with Kapil Sharma, the comedian did not deliver any newness to the audience, resulting in the failure of the show.
Family Time with Kapil Sharma once again bring the old characters like Kiku Sharda & Chandan Prabhakar doing the same stuff as earlier. As the hot seater, Navjot Singh Sidhu still laughs like hell in any of the lame jokes by Kapil Sharma, even it had a guest from Bollywood. It’s all the same old journey just the name is new. Even Twitterati can’t control themselves & flooded over Kapil Sharma with negative posts.
Here’s what Sunil Grover & Shilpa Shinde are Upto after Kapil Sharma’s new show
On the other hand, Sunil Grover & Bigg Boss winner Shilpa Shinde has been planning something big together in order to take over Kapil Sharma. A few days back only both were seen together & shared selfies on the social media hinting at some new projects. And now just after the premiere episode of Kapil Sharma new show, Shilpa posted an Instagram video, where she has been enacting on the song of Rinku Bhabhi (Sunil Grover) in an avatar of Angoori Bhabhi (Shilpa Shinde). And she captioned it as- ‘Jindagi sirf teen chijo se banti hai Entertainment Entertainment Entertainment, Thnx to Sunil Grover for this Masterpiece‘.
And with this, we can expect 2 great Bhabhis from the TV industry to all together with a blast in the new show to be announced soon to give competition to Family time with Kapil Sharma.