On Wednesday this week, Xiaomi launched the Mi TV 4A lineup in India. Xiaomi launched the 32-inch and 43 inch Mi TV 4A in India. The launch was an online live stream and at the end of the stream, Xioami teased a smartphone. This smartphone is expected to be Xiaomi Redmi 5. The smartphone is teased for March 14 launch event. And from the design of the phone, it is expected that it would be Redmi 5.
Last month Xiaomi launched Redmi Note 5 and Redmi Note 5 Pro in India. Redmi Note 5 Pro and Redmi Note 5 are the successors of the India most popular phone Redmi Note 4. Out of these two, the Redmi Note 5 is the Indian variant of Redmi 5 Plus which was launched in China last year. Along with Redmi 5 Plus, Xiaomi also launched Redmi 5 and the phone was not yet launched in India. If the phone will launch in India on March 14, then it will complete the whole package and a new budget 4G phone from Xiaomi will enter the Indian Smartphone market.
Xiaomi Redmi 5 Price
In China, The Redmi 5 smartphone is available in three variants. The price of 2GB RAM and 16GB storage variant of Redmi 5 is CNY 799 which is approximately equal to Rs.7800. The price of 3GB RAM and 32GB storage variant is CNY 899 which is equal to Rs.8800 and the price of 4GB RAM variant with 32GB storage variant is CNY 1099 which is equal to Rs.11,000.
Xiaomi Redmi 5 Specifications
Talking about the specifications of the Redmi 5, the phone bears an HD+ display of 5.7-inches. The resolution of the display is 720×1440 pixels. The aspect ratio of the screen is 18:9. The smartphone is powered by an Octa-Core Qualcomm Snapdragon 450 processor. The phone runs on Android Nougat Operating system out of the box with company-owned MIUI 9.
The phone has 2GB, 3GB and 4GB RAM with an internal storage of 16GB and 32GB. The internal storage of the phone is expandable via microSD card. At the back of the phone there is a 12MP camera with LED flash and f/2.2 aperture and for selfies and video calling there is a 5MP camera on the front. Below the camera, at the back, there is a fingerprint sensor. the battery of the phone is 3300mAh.