According to reports, Arvind Kejriwal’s Maruti Wagon R, the ‘AAPmobile’ has been stolen from Delhi. Presently, CM Arvind Kejriwal was not using the old model Maruti Wagon R which is believed to be a mid-2000s make.
Arvind Kejriwal’s Maruti Wagon R was currently being used by Vandana Singh, Aam Aadmi Party’s media coordinator. A police complaint has already been filed by Vandana Singh for Arvind Kejriwal’s Maruti Wagon R that was stolen from Delhi today. The case is being investigated by the Police.
Arvind Kejriwal’s Wagon R was a gift from abroad
As per report Arvind Kejriwal’s blue Maruti Wagon R was used by the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) to demonstrate its commitment to fight against the VIP culture in the country. The prominent blue Maruti Wagon R was earlier used by the Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal during his first term as the Chief Minister of Delhi. Arvind Kejriwal’s blue Maruti Wagon R was parked outside the government’s headquarters in Delhi from where it was reportedly stolen.
It is also reported that the blue Maruti Wagon R that belonged to CM Arvind Kejriwal, was gifted to him by an Indian living abroad. Arvind Kejriwal had received the ‘AAP Mobile’ blue Maruti Wagon R, as a gift and was the most prominent vehicle during his rise as the Chief Minister of the national capital.
Arvind Kejriwal’s blue Maruti Wagon R got plenty of mileage in the news when the he used it to camp as well as to sleep in during one of the controversial protests against the Delhi Police in 2014.
Here’s why Arvind Kejriwal’s Iconic Maruti Wagon R was special
The iconic blue coloured Maruti Wagon R was used by AAP (Aam Aadmi Party) to display its commitment that it is fighting the prevalent VIP culture in the country. Arvind Kejriwal largely used his Maruti Wagon R for campaigning during his first election he contested. In fact, Arvind Kejriwal chose his blue Maruti Wagon as his vehicle of choice after he won the elections and was elected as the Chief Minister of Delhi for the first time in 2013.
The blue Maruti Wagon R also acted as a venue for a cabinet meeting during a public protest against the police by the Chief Minister and his team. It was reported that the protest was against the inaction in cracking down on prostitution and drugs mafia in south Delhi. During the protest, Arvind Kejriwal was photographed sleeping next to his blue Maruti Wagon R on the pavement.
Arvind Kejriwal had given up the car in 2014 and the blue Maruti Wagon R was currently being used by the Aam Aadmi Party’s media coordinator.
When Arvind Kejriwal made headlines with his iconic Maruti Wagon R
Arvind Kejriwal and his blue Maruti Wagon R hogged the headlines when the national convener of the Aam Aadmi Party travelled in it while he was campaigning for the chief minister’s post.
The blue Maruti Wagon R hatchback was seen as a proof of Arvind Kejriwal’s ‘Aam Aadmi’ testimonial. Arvind Kejriwal refused to use a government vehicle even after assuming taking charge as the chief minister of the national capital – Delhi.
Source: Indian Express