In a response to the long suffered disappointments among students regarding the discrepancies in the checking of CBSE answer sheets this year, the central board of secondary education has offered a little sigh of relief. This respite comes after an extended period of discontent among school students and a considerable number of complaints from all over the country.
CBSE – Date for Applying for Board Exam Paper Review Extended
More than 11 lakh students had appeared for the Class XII examinations under CBSE board in 2017, out of which over 78000 students initially applied for verification of marks who were unsatisfied with their results. After the declaration of result on May 28, which came after much delay, dates for online application for verification of marks was open from May 31 to June 5, and the application window for obtaining photocopies of the evaluated answer sheets was open from June 14 to 19. But these dates have now been extended to help students still apply for re-evaluation.
Re-opening of Re-evaluation Online Application
The students started demanding for an extension in the date of revaluation as the results were not upto expectation. Responding to this, the online application process for verification i.e. rechecking of marks and obtaining photocopies of answer sheets of the Class 12 board exams has again been reopened. However, the condition put forward by the board for obtaining the photocopy is that it shall not be challenged by any examinee in the court of law and no claim can be made on this account in any forum.
The date for online verification has now been extended till June 27 and photocopies of initially evaluated answer sheets can be obtained till the end of the month of June. The details regarding this have been officially uploaded on the CBSE website. Here is the quick link to the official announcement
As per the press note released by CBSE, the re-evaluation process has come with a provision for verification of marks to facilitate students to avail the provision of rechecking of answer scripts where totaling of marks will be done again, posting of marks on cover page of answer scripts will be rechecked, intactness of supplementary answer scripts will be looked after and un-assessed questions, if any, will be assessed afresh.
CBSE sets up Committees to carry the further process
As a precautionary step, CBSE has decided to set up two committees to review the evaluation process to avoid any discrepancies which may occur anytime in future. The first panel is asked to look after the evaluation and post-examination processes whereas the second will study, analyse and suggest systemic improvements in the evaluation process.