CBSE Class 10 Board exam 2018 sample papers for major subjects have been released by the board online. Declaring the exam pattern, marking scheme and type of questions of the CBSE Class 10 Board Mathematics examination to be held in March 2018, Central Board Of Secondary Education have recently released the sample papers for the ease of preparation by the students and the paper setter also to comply by the pattern pre-decided by the board.
All CBSE affiliated schools are also notified about the same, well in advance so that all the preparation strategies are devised alongside the exam pattern for maths subject as released by CBSE online. Candidates are requested to go through the detailed intricacies once before preparing for their upcoming Mathematics CBSE Class 10 Board exam 2018 the next year.
Check CBSE Class 10 Board 2017 Maths Exam Pattern & Number Of Questions Here
CBSE Class 10 Board maths exam shall have all in all 30 questions divided into various sections as per marks allotted to each. The individual maximum marks which a question shall carry would be mentioned against each section defined separately in the CBSE Class 10 Board exam 2018 maths paper. The candidates who are currently studying in the Class 10th of CBSE affiliated schools shall take note of the sample exam paper released by the CBSE board on its official website at online. Internal choices shall be given to the candidates attempting the CBSE Class 10 Board exam of mathematics in some sections carrying the higher order of marks in the test. Also, the candidates shall be given three hours to complete the entire CBSE Class 10 Board exam of mathematics.
CBSE Class 10 Board 2017 Maths Exam Marking Scheme Released Online | Check Now
CBSE Class 10 Board maths exam carries a total of 80 marks for total 30 questions subdivided into various sections based on marks. The aspirants of the CBSE Class 10 Board maths exam 2018 shall encounter 6 questions carrying 1 mark each followed by 6 questions carrying two marks each, 10 questions carrying three marks each & last but not the least 8 questions carrying four marks each. The main focus of marks distribution for each type of question reveals that more marks are awarded to candidates for a stepwise procedure of attempting any mathematics question in the CBSE Class 10 Board maths exam. Also, candidates are iterated to write the conclusion at the end of each question which definitely carries half to one marks depending upon the total marks assigned to that question.
Mathematics is really scoring in the CBSE Class 10 Board maths exam 2018 only if minute intricacies are taken care of. Go through the CBSE official website and fetch details about the CBSE Class 10 Board maths exam sample paper for 2018 now.
All the best folks!
Source: NDTV