CBSE Class 12th Economics Board Exam 2018 shall cover a vast syllabus for students this year. Divided into major groups of Microeconomics and Macroeconomics, the chapter-wise marks distribution of each can be checked to prepare well for the test.
The real-life scenarios and problem-solving approach in Economics question paper is tested. Students must be through with HOTS questions of each chapter in the CBSE Class 12th Economics Board Exam. Check out the detailed pre-exam analysis for Economics subject test by CBSE board online.
CBSE Class 12th Economics Board Exam Preparation Strategy For Students
Most questions in the CBSE Class 12th Economics Board Exam every year are practical life based ones. Rather than mugging up all the topics, candidates must select the ones first carrying more marks and weightage in the test. Thoroughly going through these areas shall enable a minimum good score in the CBSE Class 12th Economics Board Exam 2018.
Thereafter, candidates must go through topics with lesser weightage in marks to get a gist of the concept. A look at previous years’ question papers and sample papers of CBSE Class 12th Economics Board Exam definitely benefits.
It ensures questions from hot topics that are repeated. Some are often examiners’ favourite ones like consumer based questions and numerical. Although many questions are too of numerical based which involve data analytics. But, students must practice them prior at least once as they are not very difficult
Tips To Score Better in CBSE Class 12th Economics Board Exam 2018
Candidates who are thorough with their preparation for CBSE Class 12th Economics Board Exam 2018 shall revise important topics. The weight and marks distribution of Economics subject in Class 12th clearly depicts important questions which are common and expected in the test tomorrow.
Repeated revision and sticking to NCERT syllabus is the key to score more on the test. Also, a good attempt of the CBSE Class 12th Economics Board Exam 2018 shall fetch better marks in the evaluation. Here’s how candidates can ride on high scores if they follow some tricks.
Highlighting of technical terms within answers do fetch better marks in the CBSE Class 12th Economics Board Exam 2018. Students should attempt the paper in legible writing. Also, attempting questions on the basis of marks allotted is essential. The key to scoring more in CBSE Class 12th Economics Board Exam 2018 is given answers in pointers.
The points should be relevant and carry ahead and sub-head if its a long answer type question. Use of examples and illustrations lavishly shall definitely make an impact in the mind of the evaluator. We wish all the students appearing for CBSE Class 12th Economics Board Exam 2018 tomorrow, all the best!