CBSE Class 10th & 12th board exams 2018 are nearing the corner with just a month away from its commencement, the education board has made available the marking scheme and question papers for all the subjects online. With the most sought after Maths question paper as sample test along with detailed marking scheme available for the candidates appearing for CBSE Class 12th Maths Board Exam 2018 in March this year. Aspirants preparing for the upcoming Class 12th Mathematics board exam scheduled on March –, 2018 are iterated to carefully go through the intrinsic details of marks allotted to each question and prepare the same accordingly. Read on to know details about Maths board exam for Class XII students of CBSE board herein.
CBSE Class 12th Maths Board Exam 2018 | Check Marking Scheme Details
The CBSE Class 12th Maths exam question paper shall be divided into four sections namely Section A, B, C & D. The marks are distributed according to the number for questions comprising each section within the Mathematics exam of Class 12th board exam 2018. Aspirants of the same are iterated to attempt the questions as per the marks allotted to each question within the section of Maths exam. Total number of questions in the CBSE Class 12th maths board exam shall consist of 29 questions all of them are compulsory with no overall choice granted to the candidates. Though, internal choices have been granted to the students in the three marker and four marker questions in the Maths test.
The Section A consists of 4 questions comprising of one mark which have to be answered in one word or single sentence only. Section-B comprises of 8 questions carrying two marks each with no choices given in then first two sections of Mathematics Class 12th board exam question paper 2018. While Section C and D consist of 11 questions of four marks each and 6 questions of six marks each. Internal choices in three of questions within the last two sections are provided in the CBSE Class 12th Maths board exam 2018.
CBSE Class 12th Maths Board Exam Sample Question Paper Online
The practice tests set on the officially released CBSE board marking scheme subject-wise have been released and are readily available for practising the sample papers of Class 12th maths exam. Candidates are notified to check the same on official CBSE website and practice enough sample papers before appearing for the actual CBSE Class 12th maths board exams in March 2018. This shall boost up the confidence of the candidates and also enable them to strategise their preparation and allot time for each section accordingly. Also, they shall have a gist of the kind of question paper they shall face and type of questions to be subjected in the actual Class 12th CBSE board exam Maths question paper next month.
We wish all the students who are burning the midnight oil for preparing the upcoming CBSE Class 12th board exams in March 2018, all the best for the same. For official sample papers and marking scheme of Maths test, visit the link below.
Source : CBSE