ESIC Recruitment 2018: Employee State Insurance Corporation Delhi has released the official notification for the post of JE (Junior Engineer) and invited application form from the eligible candidates. Candidates are advised to check their eligibility in the official notification and then apply online for the same. These vacancies for the JE posts are to be filled under the Civil and Electrical trade in ESI Corporation. Here are the complete details of ESIC Recruitment 2018 in five points.
ESIC Recruitment 2018 – Last Date, Application Fee & Other Details
Employee State Insurance Corporation Delhi (ESIC) has started the process of filling the application form for the post of JE on the official website from 16th November 2018. The online application process to fill the application form will close on 15th December. The ESIC will release the admit card and exam date soon on the official website.
The candidates of General Category and OBC category applying for the ESIC Recruitment 2018 will have to pay the examination fee of Rs 500. For the SC/ST/PH category, the application fee is Rs 250. The last date to pay the examination or the application fee is 18th December 2018. The payment of the application fee can be done via credit, debit card or via net banking.
The examination fee for the OBC and General Category candidates is non-refundable while the application fee paid by the SC/ST/PH category and Female candidates is refundable. The application fee will be refundable after appearing in the examination. The maximum age limit to apply for the post of JE in ESIC is 30 years.
As per the official notification, there are total 79 vacancies for the post of JE. These vacancies in ESIC are for the Civil Trade and Electrical trade. For the Civil trade, there are total 52 vacancies (General – 26, SC – 06, ST – 5, OBC – 15). For the Electrical trade, there are total 27 posts (General – 13, SC – 04, ST – 02 and OBC – 08). These all vacancies are for the Junior Engineer posts.
Candidates who have completed the Diploma or Degree in the Civil and Electrical trade with 2 years experience can apply for the post of JE. The candidates will be selected for the post of JE in ESIC on the basis of the Written Examination (CBE). The selected candidates for the post of JE will get the pay scale of Rs 35400.
ESIC Recruitment 2018 For JE Official Notification