The moment Gurmeet Singh Ram Rahim of Dera Saccha Sauda was convicted in the rape case by the Special CBI court in Panchkula (Haryana), supporters of Ram Rahim went so aggressive that they almost burnt the city. After 15 years of fight, the victims of the rape case got justice from the Special CBI court. But before coming to the court Ran Rahim rolled out a full proof plan for the Panchkula violence.
Although the court had taken too many precautions to keep the verdict secret, it does not work at that time. As Baba Ram Rahim had already planned some kind of code words to convey the message of his verdict by the court on rape case.
Ram Rahim’s red bag & the Panchkula Violence connection
As per the report of NDTV, the police officer has alleged that Ram Rahim’s red bag was a kind of a signal for the Dera followers to spread the news of Baba’s conviction. After coming out from the court premises, Dera chief Ram Rahim asked for his Red colored suitcase. And the moment that red suitcase was dragged out of Ram Rahim’s SUV, the sound of tears could be heard in 2-3 km of the court area in Panchkula.
The planning was so strong that even the Police failed to understand anything at that moment. And till the time Police force understood everything, Ram Rahim’s supporters have not only taken 38 lives but also destroyed many things in different parts of Haryana and Punjab state.
More Violence Signals from Gurmeet Singh Ram Rahim
Even the officials alleged that after coming out of Court room, Ram Rahim and his so called Honeypreet, who accompanied him to the Rohtak jail were wasting time to get in their SUV. Actually, they both were doing so to spread a message to his followers that he has been moving out of the court. Although, Police handled the situation and asked Ram Rahim to quickly move into the car in which he was taken to the chopper. Even the security and Commandos of Dera chief messed with Police.
Ram Rahim had a full fledged plan to get over the situation and to spread massive violence over Punjab and Haryana state. As 70-80 cars were waiting on the same path from where Ram Rahim traveled to reach the Special CBI court in Panchkula (Haryana) from his Dera at Sirsa. And Police also sensed some kind of threat in the cars, that’s why they diverted the route to take Ram Rahim to the chopper.
Despite making so much of plans, Dera chief Ram Rahim has been jailed for 20 years in the rape case.
Source: NDTV