HSSC Recruitment 2018: Haryana Staff Selection Commission released the official notification for the recruitment of Sub Inspector and Constable in Haryana Police on 16th April. The application process for the same i.e HSSC recruitment 2018 started on 28th April. All interested candidates who want to apply for the post of SI and Constable in Police can apply for the same. Here are the full details, Vacancies, Application Fees & Last Date. Check it Out.
HSSC Recruitment 2018 – 7110 Vacancies for SI and Constable
There are total 7110 vacancies in Haryana Police Departement for the post of Constable and Sub Inspector. For the post of Constable, there are total 6647 vacancies. Out of these 6674 vacancies, 5000 vacancies are for the Male Constable (General Duty), 1147 vacancies are for Female Constable (General Duty) and 500 vacancies are for the Indian Reserve Battalions of Haryana State Male Constable.
There are total 463 vacancies for the post of Sub Inspector in Haryana Police Department. Out of these 463 vacancies, total 400 posts are for the Male Candidates and 63 posts are for the Female Candidates. For more details regarding category wise Check – HSSC Recruitment 2018 For SI and Constable
HSSC Recruitment 2018 – Last Date is 28th May
The filling of online application for the post of Sub Inspector and Constable in Haryana Police Department started on 28th April. The last date for the online application is 28th May 2018. Candidates can pay the application fee on or before 30th May 2018. All candidates are advised to fill the application form as soon as possible. Don’t wait for the last date to come.
All candidates who are applying for the post of Constable and Sub Inspector are advised to check all the particulars, details filled by them on the application form before finally submitting the application form. Candidates have to submit the application form via online mode and no offline application form will be accepted.
HSSC Recruitment 2018 – Application Fee
Constable Post: Male candidates of General Category will have to pay Rs.100 as application fee while the reserved category male candidates will have to pay Rs.25. For Female candidates of Haryana State general category, the application fee is Rs.50 and for other categories the application fee is Rs.13.
SI Post: For the post of Sub Inspector in Haryana Police Departement, the application fee for the Male candidates for the post of Sub Inspector is Rs.150 and for other categories the application fee is Rs.35. For female, the application fee is Rs. 75 and for the other categories, the application fee is Rs.18.