The ongoing production issues for the Apple iPhone X has forced Apple to break the hearts of its customers in India as we see a decline in the shipment frequencies to as low as 20 million units. The newly released finalized numbers are half of what the Cupertino giant has promised before. Also, KGI Securities analyst, Ming-Chi Kuo has predicted that the high-end mobile manufacturer, Apple, will have to meet demands as high as 40-50 million units of iPhone X from India.
Reasons for the delay in Production of iPhone X
From various sources, it is discovered that Apple is facing production issues due to the technical issues with the components which enable the new technology evolved by Apple, FaceID. With a production rate of just ten million units per month, it will be nearly impossible for Apple to send more than 20 million units this year to India. Considering the early launch of the iPhone X in India, it is expected that at least 2-3 million iPhone X models will be ready.
Some of the main components that led Apple to reduce the committed numbers is the OLED Display panel of the iPhone X which faces some odd issues while bonding the edges of the classy steel frame. Though the issue was resolved in the month of July, another problem awaits on the door of Apple. The development of 3D depth-sensing camera, which enables the new technology by Apple in the iPhone X, FaceID, is still difficult to meet the required demands despite the various improvements that have been taking place starting from the month of September.
It is believed that Apple is now in talks with other manufacturers to speed up the production of the individual components that are needed for the production of the high-end iPhone X. This will not only enhance the entire production process but also help the company increase the number of shipments to the various countries.
As there were minimal upgrades provided for the Apple iPhone 8 and Apple iPhone 8 Plus from the last year’s iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus, it is assumed that customers are more interested in upgrading to iPhone X rather than the iPhone 8 or iPhone 8 Plus. But as of now, the production lag would abandon the company to reach market equilibrium with sufficient supply.
The Apple iPhone X will be available for sale at a starting price of Rs. 89,000 with 64 GB storage from November 3.