Katrina Kaif and Ranbir Kapoor starrer Jagga Jassos (Bollywood movie)has been up to a fair business at the Indian box office since its release. Three days past its release, Jagga Jasoos is receiving mixed responses from the viewers and critics both. At the end of its first-weekend film’s total box office collection came out to be Rs 33.17 crore, with day 3 making the most money, 13.07 crore, out of previous two days.
Jagga Jasoos has been off to a good start from day one at the box office and is now picking up the pace gradually. Being a big budget film, Anurag Basu’s Jagga Jasoos still has to fill a big gap. So let’s see how will it perform at the box office in its second weekend.
Jagga Jasoos: Box Office Collection Till Date
Jagga Jasoos is a Walt Disney India musical film, that is full of surreal adventures and lots of dopey songs exclusively made for kids and young teenagers to have fun time. Being a movie specifically for younger audience Jagga Jasoos garnered not much crowd on its very first day of release and made only 8.57 crores at the box office. On the second day the movie earned Rs 11.53 crores and on its third day it made Rs 13.07 crore at the box office making it a total of Rs 33.17 crore.
While Ranbir Kapoor and Katrina Kaif’s adventures are winning the hearts of many, still newly released Bollywood movie Jagga Jasoos has to up its earning game a bit more at the box office. The Bollywood movie’s total production cost is estimated to be around Rs 110 crores and being shelved for 8 long months for getting released the movie will now have to face a bit of difficult time at the box office right now.
Anurag Basu’s “Galtis & Mistakes“
Surprisingly, Jagga Jasoos was shot without a proper hard copy of an official script. Director, Anurag Basu has everything in his mind from story to screenplay to dialogues and everything, so he did not draft a proper script for the movie. And because of that, the director did a lot of mistakes while shooting some of the scenes of Jagga Jasoos, that resulted in reshooting them, further raising the production cost.
Jagga Jasoos took four long years to complete and went through a lot of hindrances while it’s making. Anurag shot a special song featuring Govinda, twice, which was later on removed from the film. According, to some of the film trade experts Jagga Jasoos should have been shot in about 50 to 60 crores if the director would have acted a bit consciously than instinctively. Hope Jagga Jasoos will not have to pay for Anurag Basu’s galtis and mistakes in the coming days at the box office.
Source: News18