Jhanvi Kapoor’s most awaited Bollywood debut along with Shahid Kapoor’s baby brother Ishan Khatter which is titled as ‘Dhadak’ recently got its poster released. The poster of ‘Dhadak’ movie which casts Sridevi’s debutante daughter and Shahid Kapoor’s younger brother got their first movie’s poster released by none other than the patron saint of Bollywood for nearly all star kids. Karan Johar took twitter to unveil the poster of ‘Dhadak’ movie and both the stars kids in the movie’s poster rule out the look as if they were born to do so.
Jhanvi Kapoor’s Debut Movie’s Poster Out
Jhanvi Kapoor who is officially known as Janhvi Kapoor nails her debut poster ‘Dhadak’ movie’s look by looking an exact replica of her mother – Sridevi. The movie in which Jhanvi Kapoor and Ishan Khatter will be seen acting will roll on the floors in the month of December. Jhanvi Kapoor’s ‘Dhadak’ movie is the Hindi Bollywood remake of the Marathi cinema hit titled as Sairat. The movie is based on social issues and covers various aspects which form as hindrances in the love story of two individuals who belong to different societal groups. The movie is expected to hit the big screen in July 2018. Jhanvi Kapoor poses extremely well in the poster released by Karan Johar and we are drooling over Ishan Khatter’s innocence in the poster of ‘Dhadak’ movie. Karan Johar is ensuring that the movie gets Bollywood attention in full style!
Jhanvi Kapoor To Get An Early Entry In Bollywood | Know Why
Many star kids are known to be gearing up for their Bollywood Debut’s in the recent scenario Jhanvi Kapoor and Sara Ali Khan to be the most awaited ones. Both the star daughters have exceptionally talented mothers namely Sridevi and Amrita respectively which can be relied for their eye-rolling looks.
Jhanvi Kapoor’s debut ‘Dhadak’ opposite Shahid Kapoor’s brother Ishan Khatter will be on roll soon and will be releasing in July 2018. Sara Ali Khan’s debut titled as ‘Kedarnath’ opposite the very handsome Sushant Singh Rajput whose first schedule has been shot recently was expected to release in April 2018 but the dates have been shifted and the movie now will be releasing on 21st December’ 2018.