Idea Cellular has come out and declared the launch of Idea Rs.2500 4G feature phone. Idea Cellular is the first telecom operator after Jio 4G to announce the launch of its own feature phone. This month Reliance Jio 4G announced its feature phone called the Jio phone. The Jio phone is not yet launched but it disrupts the whole market since the official announcement. Jio Phone will be available for purchase after August 15.
Idea Rs.2500 4G Feature Phone
Idea recently merged with its rival Vodafone and now Idea Cellular is in a plan to launch a feature 4G phone. The price of Idea 4G feature phone will be higher than that of Reliance Jio 4G phone. Until now there is no news whether the Idea 4G feature phone is a touchscreen or numeric keypad phone.
Price Of Idea 4G Feature Phone
Idea 4G feature will come with a price tag between 2000-2500. And it is expected that the Idea Feature phone will have a price tag of Rs.2500. Idea feature phone may come up with all the needed feature like Whatsapp, Facebook, Google and much more which are not available in Reliance Jio Phone. Idea Cellular has confirmed That Idea Rs.2500 feature Phone will give choices to users including to select any operator. If this Idea Feature 4G phone will really be launched then it will seriously create a buzz.
Jio Phone Vs Idea 4G Feature Phone – Which One is Better
According to the recent news, Idea 4G feature phone may come up with dual sim option and this will create a difference between the Jio Phone and Idea 4G feature phone. There is no Whatsapp support, Facebook support and Google Support in the Jio phone. So Idea may come up with all these features and this will create a huge difference. Also, the Jio Phone comes with a single sim support and only Jio sim can be used in this phone. You can’t use any other sim and In Idea 4G feature phone you can use any sim. You will get the refund of Jio Phone after 3 years but in Idea feature phone there is no such thing.
Source – Indian Express