Julian Jewel Jeyaraj is coming with new Artificial intelligence technology JJAIBOT for the changing world

Artificial Intelligence, as we all know, is known for providing value to society. It is used in many sectors like industries, healthcare, manufacturing and finance. It is also participating in protecting our planet from significant issues.

We maybe not knowing about Environment projects as all are under process. But we will see a significant impact of Artificial Intelligence in coming years in sectors like a planet, wildlife, in India for weather and all. We know that it has helped many farmers in farming with AI technology. Artificial Intelligence, according to Julian Jewel Jeyaraj, will be the most crucial technology for the world.

Julian Jewel is a famous personality known for his projects in AI. He recently came with an innovative project called JJAIBOT.

This technology of Julian will work in three sectors first is the environment. Second is for human it will detect problems of the people with facial expression and give them the ultimate solution for the challenge. The last one is for wildlife conservation, as we all know, many animals today are remaining in small numbers. To protect them, Julian has come forward and made a technology JJAIBOT which will help all the forest officers to detect the problem before it arrives.

According to Julian Jewel Jeyaraj India will need technology like JJAIBOT. There are many things in India which can be solved by this technology if the government agree in this kind of projects than we will see a drastic change in the right side in India.

It is gratifying to apply out AI expertise to help address issues affecting the general public and the environment. AI technology can solve many problems, according to Julian Jewel Jeyaraj.

AI is already coming in use for many things like for wildlife safety, Ocean watch, Climate change, improve the agricultural condition in India. So we will need people like Julian Jewel Jeyaraj who can help a country like India. He surely will help as it is his own country. So he will definitely give his technology like JJAIBOT in India for better future.


Ajay Deep

Ajay Deep is a young enthusiast who Loves Chandigarh and is always eager to make this beautiful city even more beautiful. A Mechanical Engineer By Chance and Working in an IT MNC by Choice. A Writer, Photographer and a Budding Entrepreneur. A Designer, Developer and Digital Marketing Expert. In brief : A Jack of All Trades and Master of Few :) You may reach Ajay Deep at ajay@chandigarhmetro.com
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