Xiaomi has now officially announced the launch of the latest version of its famous Android Skin MIUI. This Year, Xiaomi has not only launched the Mi 5X back but has also announced the first model with the MIUI 9 based global beta ROM update. Xiaomi has been in news for the launch of Global Beta ROM to all its devices.
Earlier, there was an announcement by Xiaomi regarding the suspension of the MIUI 9 Global Beta ROM for a week came out. This suspension was on account of the improvements required in the parameters like system optimization and stability. After this news, now Xiaomi has announced the launch of the MIUI 9 Stable ROM is going to happen in the first week of November. This launch is going to be valid for almost all the Xiaomi Devices available in the market.
Features in MIUI 9 – Update
In the Latest MIUI 9 stable ROM, there are many features of interest including the features of split screen, better system optimization, and quick switch along with the Revamped Gallery as well as Security Application.
According to the source, the screenshots for the new Redmi Note 4 along with the MIUI 9 update has been observed in the first batch released in China. Similar to the release of the MIUI 9 Beta ROM, the launch of the MIUI 9 Stable ROM will also be accounted to be in batches. Although there has been no proper declaration of the batch details like which models will be included in which batch release, but the details are expected to be released soon.
Mi Phones That Will receive MIUI 9 Update
Currently, the Xiaomi Devices up for the Update of MIUI 9 Stable ROM include the devices like Mi Mix 2, Mi 5, Mi 4, Mi 3, Mi Max 2, Mi Max/ Prime along with the Redmi Note 4, Redmi Note 3, Redmi Note Prime and Redmi 3S/Prime/Plus and Redmi 2/Prime, Redmi 4A, Mi 4i etc.
Xiaomi MIUI 9 Stable ROM is going to hit Indian Market this November. This is going to start in the batches and the update on the devices included in each batch is going to be updated by the company soon enough. This is going to be a big news for Xiaomi device users.
Source – Fonearena