Moto G5S Plus Vs Lenovo K8 Note | Price, Specs & Features Comparison

Lenovo K8 Note and Moto G5S Plus both phones launched in the month of August. Both the phones come with high-end specs and the price of K8 Note and Moto G5S Plus is also a budget price. Both the phones come under the price of 16K. So here is the full comparison of both phones. Just Check this out and find out which phone is best to buy.

Moto G5S Plus Vs Lenovo K8 Note – Feature Comparison

The biggest feature of both the phones is its dual rear camera. Moto G5S Plus comes with a 13 megapixel primary and secondary sensors while Lenovo K8 Note comes with 13-megapixel primary sensor and 5-megapixel sensor. Both the phone runs on Android Nougat operating system. And it is expected that both phones are eligible to get Android Oreo update in future. Lenovo K8 Note comes in 2 RAM variants with 3GB RAM and 4GB RAM while Moto G5S Plus comes with 4GB RAM.

Moto G5S Plus Vs Lenovo K8 Note – Price Comparison

Coming to main thing i.e price comparison of Moto G5S Plus and Lenovo K8 Note, The G5S plus price in India is Rs.13,999. Lenovo K8 Note was launched two variants and price of each variant is different. 3GB RAM variant of K8 Note comes with a price of Rs.12,999 and 4GB RAM variant of Lenovo K8 Note comes with a price of Rs.13,999. So the price of both the phones is same.

Moto G5S Plus Vs Lenovo K8 Note – Specs Comparison

Moto G5S Plus comes with a display of 5.5 inches. The resolution of the screen is 1080×1920 pixels. In the other side, K8 Note also comes with the 5.5-inch display. The processor in K8 Note is MediaTek Helio-X23 processor and the processor of G5S plus is Qualcomm Snapdragon 625 octa-core SoC. K8 Note comes with 3GB and 4GB RAM while in G5S Plus there is a 4GB RAM. For internal storage, K8 Note has 32GB and 64GB storage and Moto G5S Plus comes with 64GB internal storage. The battery of K8 Note is 4000mAh and Moto G5S Plus has 3000mAh battery. The front camera of the K8 Note phone is 13 megapixel while in Moto G5S Plus the camera is 8 megapixel.

Moto G5S Plus Vs Lenovo K8 Note – Software Comparison

Moto G5S comes with Android 7.1 Nougat operating system and it will soon get an Android 8 Oreo update while the Android version of Lenovo K8 is also Android Nougat and it will also get Android Oreo Update.

Which is best to buy? Moto G5S Plus or Lenovo K8 Note

Both the phone comes with equal specs but you have an option in K8 Note to choose in 3GB RAm variant or in 4GB RAM. The price of K8 Note and G5S Plus is same. In the camera department, G5 S is better with both 13-megapixel sensors in case of the rear camera. K8 Note is better than G5S Plus in front camera.



A believer in 'less talk and more work', Sushant is a geek and gadget freak. A content analyst, strategist, graphic designer and a blogger. To follow his posts and stay updated, you can reach him at
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