Panasonic launched its new phone Panasonic Eluga I2 Activ in India last week. Eluga I2 Activ phone has launched in two RAM variants in India. The first one is 1GB RAM variant and the second one is 2GB RAM variant. The new phone Panasonic Eluga I2 Activ will available in Gold, Grey, and Rose Gold color. Eluga I2 Activ is a budget 4G phone smartphone by Panasonic.
Price of Panasonic Eluga I2 Activ Smartphone
Panasonic new budget 4G smartphone price starts from Rs.7190. The price of 1GB RAM model of Panasonic Eluga I2 Activ is Rs.7,190 and the price of 2GB RAM model of Panasonic Eluga I2 Activ is Rs.7,990. Both the phones are same expect the RAM size.
Specifications of Panasonic Eluga I2 Activ Smartphone
Display of Panasonic Eluga I2 Activ – The new phone Panasonic Eluga I2 Activ comes with 5-inch touchscreen display. The display of the phone is HD IPS display and resolution of the screen is 720×1280 pixels.
Processor and Android Version of Panasonic Eluga I2 Activ – Eluga I2 Activ phone is powered by a 1.25GHz quad-core MediaTek MT6737 SoC processor. the phone runs on Android Nougat operating system. this is the plus point of this phone.
RAM and Internal Storage of Panasonic Eluga I2 Activ – New smartphone Eluga I2 Activ comes in Two RAM variants – 1GB RAM Variant & 2GB RAM Variant. The phone comes with 16GB inbuilt storage and the internal storage of the phone can be expanded up to 128GB via microSD card.
Camera Specs of Panasonic Eluga I2 Activ – Panasonic Eluga I2 Activ phone comes with an 8-megapixel camera at back with Flash and for selfies and video calling there is a 5-megapixel camera.
Battery of Panasonic Eluga I2 Activ – The phone Eluga I2 Activ is fueled with 2200mAh battery. Connectivity options of the phone include 4G VoLTE, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth v4.0, GPS/ A-GPS, and Micro-USB 2.0. The phone is a budget phone but with this price range, there are many other phones that come with specs better than this.