Punjabi singer turned actor Ammy Virk has been all set to make his Bollywood debut with Ranveer Singh’s 83. After Diljit Dosanjh and Guru Randhawa, Ammy Virk has made it to Bollywood and will debut his career soon. The ace singer turned actor, Ammy Virk has joined the cast of upcoming Bollywood movie titled as 83 that will be based on Cricket World Cup 1983.
Ammy Virk in the year 2018 only debut in Bollywood as a singer with Manmarziyan’s Darya song. Further his latest Punjabi movie Qismat along with Sarhun Mehta has been a great hit. Know the character and more details of Ammy Virk’s debut Bollywood movie 83 below.
Ammy Virk to make Bollywood Debut with Ranveer Singh: Know his Character
Punjabi singer turned actor will soon be seen on the silver screen with Bollywood’s ace actor Ranveer Singh. Reports have been out that Ammy Virk has joined the Bollywood movie to be made 1983 World Cup. The year 1983 has been a mark in the history of Indian Cricket, as Kapil Dev and his team bought the first Cup to India. Ranveer Singh has been cast for the main role as the Captain i.e Kapil Dev.
Whereas Ammy Virk will be in as the character of Balwinder Singh Sandhu, who played a pivotal role in 1983 World Cup. Balwinder Singh Sandhu has been a right arm medium bowler in Indian Cricket Team at the time of World Cup 1983. Yet the whole cast of 83 the film is to be announced soon. Also, Balwinder Singh Sandhu himself has been training Ranveer Singh and Ammy Virk for the role. Ammy Virk has been seen performing extraordinarily in the Punjabi films like Ardaas, Bambukat, Qismat and more.
Ammy Virk’s Debut Bollywood Movie 83 The Film: Release date & More
Ammy Virk’s debut Bollywood movie 83 The Film will be directed by the ace director Kabir Khan. He has been well-known for his Bollywood films like- Bajrangi Bhaijaan, Ek Tha Tiger, Sultan and many more. Along with the revelation of the cast for Kabir Khan’s 83 The film, makers have also announced the release date. As per announcement, Ranveer Singh and Ammy Virk starrer 83 The Film will release on 10 April 2020.
Although in the year 2019, Ammy Virk will be seen in Punjabi movies like- Muklawa (24 May), Nikka Zaildar 3 (21 June) and any more.