The Staff Selection Commission of India has released the SSC CGL 2017 examinations notification. The Commission has informed that the SSC CGL exam 2017 would be divided into Tiers; Tier-1 to Tier-4, and will be conducted on different dates starting from August 1, 2017, to February 2018. The Tier-1 examinations will be the first one to be conducted by the SSC this year and the dates for the same have been decided from August 1 to August 20. As Commission has issued a detailed notification regarding the Tier 1 exam recently, we have brought all the things you need to know about it in this article.
SSC CGL 2017 – The Tier 1 Exam
To be conducted in the month of August this year the SSC CGL 2017 Tier 1 exam will continue for 20 consecutive dates from August 1 to August 20. As the registrations has come to an end for the recruitment exams the SSC is now preparing to conduct the first set of the SSC CGL 2017 exams.
The Tier 1 Exam Pattern
- The Tier 1 will be an Objective-Multiple Choice paper.
- Will be in the Computerised format and compulsory for all posts.
- The duration of Tier 1 SSC CGL Exam 2017 will be 60 minutes.
- The exam will be of 200 marks with 100 questions.
The Tier 1 exam will be divided into four sections:
- General Intelligence – 25 questions each of 2 marks
- General Awareness – 25 questions, 2 marks each
- Quantitative Aptitude – 25 questions, 2 marks each
- English Comprehension – 25 questions, 2 marks each
There will be negative marking as well. It has been explained as:
- 0.5 marks would be deducted for every wrong answer
For Handicaps, the duration of the exam will be 80 minutes
SSC CGL 2017: Admit Card
The SSC CGL 2017 exam admit cards will be made available to the candidates on the official SSC website in the electronic format that could be downloaded. The e-admit card or call letter or hall ticket will be provided firstly to the candidates appearing for the Tier 1 exam within the specified time by the SSC commission.
SSC CGL 2017 Exam: Preparation
The Staff Selection Commission has come up with 4,733 vacancies to fill up this year through the SSC CGL 2017 examinations in various Governmental departments of India. The Commission has released the notification at much advance dates so that the candidates can prepare for the most competitive and exhaustive exams properly. Moreover, it has also suggested books and guidelines on how to prepare for the SSC CGL 2017 exams for the interested candidates. To know more on how to prepare for the Teir 1 exam go to – SSC CGL Tier-1 exam Preps.